Expressions Flashcards
다른 약속이 있어요.
I have another appointment.
I have another appointment.
다른 약속이 있어요.
I know.
I know.
I know.
그때 만나요
See you then.
See you then.
그때 만나요
I’m doing good.
잘 지내요.
빨리 나으세요
Please get better soon.
Please get better soon.
빨리 나으세요
얼굴이 안 촣으세요.
You don’t look good.
You don’t look good.
얼굴이 안 촣으세요.
푹 쉬세요
Rest well.
점심 먹을까요?
Shall we have lunch together?
Shall we have lunch
점심 먹을까요?
차 한잔할께요
I’ll have a cup of tea
I’ll have a cup of tea
차 한잔할께요
글쎄요, 아직 잘 무르겟어요.
Well, I’m not sure yet.
Well, I don’t know yet
글쎄요, 아직 잘 모르겠어요
For sure!
For sure!
가르쳐 주세요.
Please tell me.
Please tell me.
가르쳐 주세요.
Please help me
Please help me
말해 주세요
Please tell me.
Please tell me.
말해 주세요
빌려 주세요
Please lend it to me.
Please lend it to me.
빌려 주세요
안내해 주세요
Please guide me
Please guide me
안내해 주세요
조금 이따가 도와줄게요
I’ll help you later
I’ll help you later
조금 이따가 도와줄게요
다른 색은 없어요
Do you have other colors?
Do you have other colors?
다른 색은 없어요
다음에 다시 올게요
I’ll come back another time.
I’ll come back another time.
다음에 다시 올게요
어서 들어오세요
Come on in.
Come on in.
어서 들어오세요
위치가 어디예요?
What’s your location?
What’s your location?
위치가 어디예요?
추천해 주세요.
Could you please recommend.
Could you please recommend.
추천해 주세요.
어느 나라에서 오셨어요?
From which country did you come from?
From which country did you come from?
어느 나라에서 오셨어요?
얼마 동안 한국어를 공부 하실 거예요?
How long are you going to study Korean?
How long are you going to study Korean?
얼마 동안 한국어를 공부 하실 거예요?
Why did you come to Korea
왜 한국에 오셨어요
왜 한국에 오셨어요
Why did you come to Korea
언제 한국에 오셨어요?
When did you come to Korea?
When did you come to Korea?
언제 한국에 오셨어요?
왜 한국어를 배우세요
Why are you learning Korean
Why are you learning Korean
왜 한국어를 배우세요
처음 뵙겠습니다
It’s a great pleasure to meet you.
It’s a great pleasure to meet you.
처음 뵙겠습니다
What do you do?
무슨 일 하세요?
무슨 일 하세요?
What do you do?
아버지가 전화를 받으실 거예요
My father will answer the phone
My father will answer the phone
아버지가 전화를 받으실 거예요
Rest well
푹 쉬세요
Rest well
푹 쉬세요
what brings you here?
what brings you here?
I’ll be back (polite)
I’ll be back (polite)
I am home (polite)
I am home (polite)
안녕히 주무세요
Good night (polite)
Good night (polite)
안녕히 주무세요
안녕히 주무셨어요
Did you sleep well (polite)?
Did you sleep well (polite)?
안녕히 주무셨어요?
잘 먹겠습니다
It looks delicious!
It looks delicious!
잘 먹겠습니다
잘 먹었습니다
It was delicious! (Polite)
It was delicious! (Polite)
잘 먹었습니다
주말 잘 보냈어요?
Did you have a nice weekend?