Expressions Flashcards
Back Then
To make matters worse
Don’t say anything - you’ll only make matters worse.
Due to …
It is a fact that …
For Istance
I must say
“I must say, this restaurant serves the best pasta I’ve ever had.”
(Eu preciso dizer, este restaurante serve a melhor massa que eu já comi.) ( ADIMIT )
You can tell she’s been working out — look how big her biceps are!
Dá pra notar que ela tem malhado – olha como os bíceps dela estão grandes!
I’ve been working really hard on this presentation.” “I can tell!”
“Eu venho trabalhando duro nessa apresentação.” “Dá pra notar!”
Anyway / Anyhow
We usually use anyway to mean ‘in spite of reasons or situations already mentioned’. We also use it as a discourse marker, especially in speaking, to make boundaries in what we are saying. Anyway can also mean ‘at least’. Anyhow has the same meanings as anyway.
I’m not sure how, but somehow or other we’ll raise the money.
“It is a beautiful day, indeed.”
(É um dia lindo, de fato.)
“He is indeed a very talented musician.”
“I won’t be long
Help Yourself
an extra amount of sth that is not needed
A surplus of corn has helped depress the grain market.
Living above your means
Roll Out
Would you mind rolling out the dough while I look for the cookie cutter?
Você se importaria de estender a massa enquanto eu procuro pelo cortador de biscoitos?
They rolled out the new washing machine with great fanfare.
The company plans to roll out the scheme across Europe in the coming month
We used to hear people rolling out of the pubs at closing time.
Nós costumávamos ouvir pessoas indo embora dos bares na hora de fecha
I rolled out around six o’clock this morning.
Eu saí da cama cerca de seis horas esta manhã.
May the…
may the force be with you
may the best team wins
Way out
something that is largish is fairly large
For example, ‘ childish’ means like a child, or typical of a child
Take With A Grain Of Salt
I will take it with some reservation
The truth is…
Here and there
Now and then
Go ahead
hang in there
hold tight
we might as well
Sweet Tooth
pull/haul yourself up by the/your (own) bootstraps
On the flip of a coin
Well Off
Take a Credit
Put the fire out
Have you had a chance to…?
No matter what
go after
Set aside
chew on
won over
stay-at-home type
we might as well
revises up / down
I made a mistake / I got it wrong