Expressions Flashcards
Going to department store
Depato ni ikimasu
Going to department store tomorrow
Ashita depato ni ikimasu
Not going to the station
Eki ni ikimasen
Going to the party?
Pati ni ikimasu ka?
Yes, going
Hai, ikimasu
No, not going
iie, ikimasen
To eat steak
Suteki o tabemasu
What watch tomorrow?
Ashita nani o mimasu ka?
To study at house
Uchi de benkyou o shimasu
To have a meeting at the company the day after tomorrow
Asatte kaisha de kaigi o shimasu
To play tennis with Mary at the park tomorrow
Ashita kouen de Mary-san to tenisu o shimasu
You’re welcome
Duo itashimashite
What time is it now?
Sumimasen, ima nanji desu ka?
Mary goes to the bank
Mary-san wa ginkou ni ikimasu
Mary returns home
Mary-san wa uchi ni kaerimasu
Mary goes to Boston at 3 O’Clock
Mary-san wa sanji ni Boston-ni ikimasu
Mary goes to Boston tomorrow
Mary-san wa ashita Boston-ni ikimasu
Mary goes to Boston next year
Mary-san wa rainen Boston-ni ikimasu
Biji-san goes to the bank with the secretary tomorrow
Biji-san wa ashita hisho to ginkou ni ikimasu
Mary returns home with her mother tomorrow
Mary-san wa ashita okaasan to uchi ni kaerimasu
Biji-san goes to the bank by taxi with the secretary tomorrow
Biji-san wa ashita hisho to takushii de ginkou ni ikimasu
Where is the bathroom?
Toire wa doko desu ka?
Yes, I am Japanese
Hai, ni-hon jin desu
Nice to meet you, my name is Kost
hajimehmashite, Kost toiimasu
Yes, I am a student
Hai, gakusei desu
Are you a student?
Gakusei desu ka?
Ms. Nakamura is a teacher
Nakamura-san wa sensei desu
Mr. Tanaka is good at skiing
Tanaka-san wa sukii ga jouzu desu
Mr. Tanaka is good at French
Tanaka-san wa furansugo ga jouzu desu
How are you?
Genki desu ka?
I’m good (response to “how are you?”)
Hai, genki desu
Mary is not good at Japanese
Mary-san wa nihongo jouzu dewa arimasen
I’m American
Watashi wa Amerikajin desu
Are you American?
Anata wa Amerikajin desu ka?
Are you Japanese?
Anata wa nihonjin desu ka?
I can speak Chinese too (first way)
Chuugokugo mo hanasemasu
I am from America
Amerika shusshin desu
I am also Italian
Watashi mo itariajin desu
No, I am not a student
Iie, gakusei dewa arimasen
No, I am not Japanese
Iie, nihonjin dewa arimasen
I speak Japanese
Watashi wa nihongo ga hanasemasu
I speak English
Watashi wa eigo ga hanasemasu
Can you speak English?
Eigo ga hanasemasu ka?
John can speak English and Japanese
John-san wa eigo to nihongo ga hanasemasu
Of course
Yes, of course
Ee/hai, mochiron desu
I can speak English and Japanese
Eigo to nihongo ga hanasemasu
Nice to meet you (another way)
Yoroshiku o negai shimasu
Teacher, I am sorry
Sensei, gomen nasai
Nice to meet you (a third you)
Duozo yoroshiku
Good morning
Ohayou gozaimasu
What is your name?
Onamae wa nan desu ka? / Namae wa nani? / Onamae wa?
My name is Brenden
Boku no namae wa Brenden desu
My name is Brenden Kost
Watashi no namae wa Kost Brenden desu
Yes, it is mine
Hai, watashi no desu
Rice, please
Gohan o kudasai
What is that?
Are wa nan desu ka?
Which is it?
Dore desu ka?
Which one will you eat?
Dore o tabemasu ka?
That one, please
Are o kudasai
I cannot speak Japanese
Nihongo wa hanasemasen
I do not drink tea
Ocha wa nomimasen
That one and that one, please
Are to are, kudasai
When Mary was young, she was good at skiing
Mary-san wa wakai toki, sukii ga jouzu deshita
Mr. Tanaka likes wine
Tanaka-san wa wain ga suki desu
Well, let’s eat
Dewa, itadakimasu
Well then
Well, thank you for the meal
Dewa, Gochisousamadeshita
I do not eat apples
Ringo wa tabemasen
Of course, I will go
Mochiron, ikimasu
I eat at around 12:00
Jyuu ni ji goro ni tabemasu
I go to sleep at 6 PM
Gogo roku-ji ni nemasu
I get up at 5 o’clock
Go ji ni okimasu
No, I will not get up
Iie, Okimasen
I eat fish
Sakana o tabemasu
I eat meat and vegatables
Niku to yasai o tabemasu
I do not eat meat or fish
Niku to sakana wa tabemasen
I drink tea every morning
Watashi wa maiasa ocha o nomimasu
I get up at nine o’clock every morning
Maiasa kyu ji ni okimasu
I eat rice everyday
Mainichi, gohan o tabemasu
Well, goodnight
Dewa, oyasuminasai
Yes, I live in Tallahassee
Hai, Tallahassee ni sundeimasu
No, I don’t live in Tokyo
Iie, Tokyo ni sundeimasen
There is a restroom
Toire ga arimasu
The school is in Japan
Gakko wa nihon ni arimasu
It is not a bathtub
Ofuro dewa arimasen
I am twenty five years old
Ni jyu go sai desu
That’s right
Sou desu
That’s right, you know
Sou desu yo
That’s right, isn’t it?
Sou desu yo ne?
Where is this place
Koko wa doko desu ka?
The house is over here
Ie wa koko desu
The restroom is over there
Toire wa asoko desu
It is over there
Asoko ni arimasu
I’m at school
Gakkou ni imasu
There are seven birds
Tori ga nana wa imasu
What is the difference
Chigai wa nan desu ka?
No, that is not right
Iie, chigaimasu
This is my sofa
Kore wa watashi no sofaa desu
A chair is over there
Isu wa asoko desu
Where is my chair?
Boku no isu wa doko desu ka?
There are puppies and kittens
Koinu to koneko ga imasu
There are four tables
Teeburu ga yotsu arimasu
How many?
How many chairs are there in the room?
Heya ni wa isu ga ikutsu arimasu ka?
My name is Brenden (a third way)
Brenden tomoushimasu
One apple please
Ringo o iko kudasai
There is one egg
Tamago ga iko arimasu
Two eggs please
Tamago o niko kudasai
I will eat four apples
Ringo o yonko tabemasu
Nice to meet you (a fourth way)
Yoroshiku ne
Yo ne?
What grade are you in?
Nan nensei desu ka?
Who are you?
Dare desu ka?
Who is he?
Kare wa dare desu ka?
What is his name?
Kare no namae wa nan desu ka?
He is in the bathroom
Kare wa toire ni imasu
Where is she going?
Kanojo wa doko ni ikimasu ka?
I have two older sisters
Ane ga futari imasu
She is my older sister
Kanojo wa watashi no ane desu
I am his younger brother
Watashi wa kare no otouto desu
Who is his younger brother
Kare no otouto wa dare desu ka?
How much is it?
Ikura desu ka?
How much is this apple?
Ko no ringo wa ikura desu ka?
This rice is spicy
Ko no gohan wa karai desu
Are you brothers?
Kyoudai desu ka?
They are brothers
Kare ra wa kyoudai desu
Are they sisters?
Kanojo tachi wa shimai desu ka?
Good evening
Me too?
Watashi mo?
Where is that?
Soko wa doko desu ka?
Do you have pets?
Petto wa imasu ka?
I don’t have a pet
Petto wa imasen
Who is that?
Are wa dare?
My parents are from Tokyo
Watashi no ryoushin wa Tokyo shushin desu
Is this yours?
Kore wa anata no desu ka?
What grade is your older sister in?
Anata no oneesan wa nan nensei desu ka?
My parents live in Japan
Ryoushin wa nihon ni sundeimasu
Can your parents speak English
Goryoushin wa eigo ga hanasemasu ka?
His children are at school
Kare no kodomo wa gakkou ni imasu
How are your parents?
Goryoushin wa ogenki desu ka?
My mother has ten siblings
Haha wa kyoudai ga juunin imasu
My father and mother are fine
Chichi mo haha mo genki desu
My father has eight siblings
Chichi wa kyoudai ga hachinin imasu
How many people are in your family?
Kazoku wa nanin imasu ka?
There is one table
Teeburu ga hito tsu arimasu
How much is that chair?
So no isu wa ikura desu ka?
It tastes bad
Mazui desu
Which desk is it?
Do no tsukue desu ka?
Please speak English
Eigo de o negai shimasu
This tastes bad
Kore wa mazui desu
This steak is delicious, isn’t it?
Ko no suteki wa oishii desu ne?
I do not like water (with jyanai)
Mizu wa suki jyanai desu
Do you like school?
Gakkou wa suki desu ka?
There is cold rice
Tsumetai gohan ga arimasu
It is hot tea
Atsui ocha desu
The water is cold
Mizu ga tsumetai desu
Vegetables are cheap
Yasai wa yasui desu
Is that cheap?
Are wa yasui desu ka?
This rice is sweet
Ko no gohan wa amai desu
I give a cap to a friend
Watashi wa tomodachi ni boushi o agemasu
Merry Christmas
Merii kurisumasu
What does this read?
Kore wa nan toyomimasu ka?
No thanks (casual)
I eat lunch in the cafeteria
Shyokudo de ohiru gohan o tabemasu
Who is going to come?
Dare ga kimasu ka?
When will he come?
Kare wa itsu kimasu ka?
When does she work?
Kanojo wa itsu hatarakimasu ka?
Will she come?
Kanojo wa kimasu ka?
It is time for breakfast
Asa gohan no jikan desu
How many hours do they work?
Kare ra wa nan jikan hatarakimasu ka?
What will you buy?
Nani o kaimasu ka?
I will not buy chairs
Isu wa kaimasen
I’m staying home today
Kyou wa ie ni imasu
When do you work? (with “shimasu”)
Itsu shigoto o shimasu ka?
What will we do today?
Kyou wa nani o shimasu ka?
When will you study?
Itsu benkyou shimasu ka?
I will not study today
Kyou wa benkyou shimasen
I study Japanese every day
Mainichi, nihongo o benkyou shimasu
When did Mary come to Japan?
Mary-san wa itsu nihon ni kimashita ka?
What did you do yesterday?
Kinou, wa nani o shimashita ka?
I had a party yesterday
Kinou wa pati o shimashita
I don’t talk to him
Kare to wa hanashimasen
I speak English (another way)
Eigo o hanashimasu
I talk with my friend
Tomodachi to hanashimasu
I study with my friend on Sundays
Nichiyoubi wa tomodachi to benkyou shimasu
I’m busy everyday
Mainichi, isogashii desu
I will be busy tomorrow
Ashita wa isogashii desu
I’m going to a restaurant on Wednesday
Suiyoubi wa resutoran ni ikimasu
I came from China
Chuugoku ka ra kimashita
I work on weekdays (with shimasu)
Heijitsu wa shigoto o shimasu
Are you busy on weekdays
Heijitsu wa isogashii desu ka?
What did you do the day before yesterday
Ototoi wa nani o shimashita ka?
I work from Tuesday to Saturday
Kayoubi ka ra doyoubi ma de hatarakimasu
I am busy until the weekend
Shyuumatsu ma de isogashii desu
There are a hundred people in the room
Heya ni wa hyakunin ga imasu
Which chair is it?
Do no isu desu ka?
Meat is expensive
Niku wa takai desu
I will eat sweet bread
Amai pan o tabemasu
I do not like cake (with “kirai”)
Keeki ga kirai desu
Is that expensive?
Are wa takai desu ka?
It’s on the bottom left
Hidarishita ni arimasu
The chair is on the table
Isu wa teeburu no ue desu
It’s on the upper right
Migi ue ni arimasu
I bought a book
Hon o kaimashita
The cat is outside
Neko wa soto ni imasu
My older sister is outside
Soto ni ane ga imasu
I’m in between my mother and father
Haha to chichi no aida ni boku ga imasu
My mother is next to me
Tonari ni haha ga imasu
I eat a lot
Takusan tabemasu
I have a lot of younger brothers
Otouto ga takusan imasu
The restaurant next door is delicious
Tonari no resutoran wa oishii desu
There is one chair next to the table
Teeburu no yoko ni isu ga hitotsu arimasu
This bed is small
Ko no beddo wa chiisai desu
There are ten books
Hon ga juu-satsu arimasu
I stayed home yesterday
Kinou wa uchi ni imashita
There are three books on the desk
Tsukue no ue ni hon ga san-satsu arimasu
Our bookshelf is small
Uchi no hondana wa chiisai desu
Our family is big
Uchi no kazoku wa oukii desu
There are seven books on the bookshelf
Hon ga hondana ni nana-satsu arimasu
The futon is long
Futon wa nagai desu
The futon is in the corner
Futon wa katasumi ni arimasu
There is a bookshelf in that corner
A no sumi ni wa hondana ga arimasu
It’s an old TV
Furui terebi desu
That’s a low chair
So no isu wa hikui desu
This futon is new
Ko no futon wa atarashii desu
Is this mirror expensive?
Ko no kagami wa takai desu ka?
This refrigerator is old
Ko no reizouko wa furui desu
The futon is beneath the mirror
Futon wa kagami no shita ni arimasu
I will buy a table
Teeburu o kaimasu
What is your job?
O shigoto wa?
I will not buy chairs
Isu wa kaimasen
I work on Saturdays
Doyoubi ni hatarakimasu
She is very busy this week
Kanojo wa konshuu totemo isogashii desu
I want to eat
I want to watch a movie
Eiga ga mitaidesu
I don’t like tea (with “kirai”)
Ocha ga kirai desu
He is always busy
Kare wa itsu mo isogashii desu
I bought an expensive souvenir
Takai omiyage o kaimashita
It’s a souvenir from South Korea
Sore wa Kankoku ka ra no omiyage desu
I drink alone sometimes
Tokidoki hitori de nomimasu
I don’t travel alone
Hitori de ryokou shimasen
I sometimes travel by myself
Tokidoki hitori de ryokou shimasu
I went to South Korea on the weekend
Shyuumatsu wa Kankoku ni ikimashita
There is a chair behind me
Ushiro ni isu ga arimasu
See you tomorrow
Mata ashita
I love you
No problem
Tondemo naidesu
I work a little bit
Chyouto hatarakimasu
I eat outside the restaurant
Resutoran no soto de tabemasu
There’s a lot of water
Mizu ga takusan arimasu
She doesn’t run very much
Kanojo wa amari hashirimasen
I don’t listen to music very much
Ongaku wa amari kikimasen
I will write a book
Boku wa hon o kakimasu
I came from America
Amerika ka ra kimashita
Do you watch movies?
Eiga wa mimasu ka?
I wrote a new book
Atarashii hon o kakimashita
I didn’t write this book
Ko no hon o kakimasen deshita
I sometimes watch movies
Tokidoki eiga o mimasu
I saw him yesterday
Kinou, kare o mimashita
I’m going to watch a movie
Eiga o mi ni ikimasu
I will sing a song today
Kyou wa uta o utaimasu
I sang a lot yesterday
Kinou wa takusan utaimashita
I go on walks
Sanpo shimasu
I do not draw pictures
E wa kakimasen
I like going on walks
Sanpo ga suki desu
I do not go on walks often
Sanpo wa amari shimasen
I will swim today
Kyou wa oyogimasu
I swam a lot today
Kyou wa takusan oyogimashita
I don’t listen to music often
Ongaku wa amari kikimasen
I listen to music on the weekends
Shyuumatsu wa ongaku o kikimasu
I come here often
Koko ni yoku kimasu
I take photos often
Yoku shashin o torimasu
I will take a hundred photos
Shashin o hiyakumai torimasu
Two slices of bread please
Pan o nimai kudasai
He always takes pictures
Kare wa itsu mo shashin o torimasu
I always eat one slice of bread for breakfast
Asa gohan wa itsu mo pan o ichimai tabemasu
How are you? (Casual / among friends)
She doesn’t read my letters
Kanojo wa boku no tegami o yomimasen
I will learn Japanese
Nihongo o naraimasu
The chair is below that
Isu wa so no shita desu
She is not my relative
Kanojo wa boku no shinseki dewa arimasen
How old is your son?
Musuko-san wa nan sai desu ka?
Do you have grandchildren?
Omago-san ga imasu ka?
My uncle and aunt live in Kyoto
Oji to oba wa Kyouto ni sundeimasu
Is there a map?
Chizu wa arimasu ka?
I have a wife and three children
Boku ni wa tsuma to san-nin no kodomo ga imasu
It’s this way
Kochira desu
How old are you?
Oikutsu desu ka?
Mr. Honda’s child is 17 years old
Honda-san no okosan wa jyuu nana sai desu
How old are your children?
Okosan tachi wa oikutsu desu ka?
This is my wife Sakura
Kochira ga tsuma no Sakura desu
My room is this way
Boku no heya wa kochira desu
My regards to your wife
Okusan ni yoroshiku
Is your husband at home?
Goshujin wa gozaitaku desu ka?
How is your uncle in Tokyo?
Tokyo no ojisan wa ogenki desu ka?
He is John’s uncle
Kare wa John-san no ojisan desu
My grandpa and grandma have eight grandchildren
Sofu to sobo ni wa mago ga hachinin imasu
I’m back
Welcome back
She doesn’t resemble her father
Kanojo wa chichioya ni niteimasen
She resembles her mother
Kanojo wa hahaoya ni niteimasu
What picture will you draw?
Nan no e o Kakimasu ka?
Give it to me
Sore totte / sore choudai / sore kashite
Do you have an English menu
Eigo menyuu arimasu ka?
What do you recommend? (At a restaurant)
Osusume wa nan desu ka?
Is this your car?
Kore wa anata no kuruma desu ka?
I will ride in a car
Kuruma ni norimasu
I took a taxi
Takushii ni norimashita
I get on the train
Densha ni norimasu
I use the train
Densha o tsukaimasu
I ride the subway
Chikatetsu ni norimasu
I walk to my house
Ie ma de arukimasu
I get on a train at the train station
Eki de densha ni norimasu
I will walk to the station
Eki ma de arukimasu
I will walk from my house to the train station
Ie ka ra eki ma de arukimasu
Do you have a map of Japan?
Nihon no chizu wa arimasu ka?
This bus is slow, you know
Ko no basu wa osoi desu yo
That train is slow, isn’t it?
A no densha wa osoi desu ne?
Is it far from here?
Koko ka ra tou-i desu ka?
It’s far from my house
Ie ka ra tou-i desu
Is it near?
Chikai desu ka?
This place is near my home
Koko wa ie ka ra chikai desu
I go far away
Touku ni ikimasu
It isn’t far
Touku nai desu
It isn’t near
Chikaku nai desu
Isn’t it fast?
Hayaku nai desu ka?
She isn’t fast
Kanojo wa hayaku nai desu
How long will it take?
Dore kurai kakarimasu ka?
It takes about 10 minutes to get to school from the train station
Eki ka ra gakkou ma de juuppun kurai kakarimasu
The school isn’t near
Gakkou wa chikaku nai desu
It’s a big sandwich
Oukii sandoicchi desu
I read books every night
Maiban hon o yomimasu
Yes (casual)
No (casual)
Good for you
Don’t worry
See you!
Jya, mata!
Take care
Ogenki de
Nande? (Informal) / Naze? (more formal) / Doushte? (informal or formal)
Today is really hot
Kyou wa hontou ni atsui
Do you watch funny movies
Omoshiroi eiga o mimasu ka?
I sometimes play soccer
Tokidoki sakkaa o shimasu
This isn’t basketball (with janai)
Kore wa basuketto booru janai desu
I often listen to rock
Yoku rokku o kikimasu
My son is also smart
Musuko mo atamagaii desu
That town is also very small
So no machi mo totemo chiisai desu
This isn’t my boxed lunch
Kore wa boku no bentou janai desu
How’s Toronto?
Toronto wa dou desu ka?
Ken lives in a small town
Ken-san wa chiisai machi ni sundeimasu
My mom is cool!
Haha wa kakkoii desu
Is that person an office worker?
So no hito wa kaishain desu ka?
My wife is a cheerful person
Tsuma wa akarui hito desu
My older brother is fashionable
Ani wa oshare desu
I don’t really like this coat
Ko no kouto wa chotto
I don’t really like this red umbrella
Ko no akai kasa wa chotto
It’s my mistake
Boku no misu desu / boku no machigai desu
I want this T-shirt
Ko no tiishatsu ga hoshii desu
I want new clothes
Atarashii fuku ga hoshii desu
This skirt is cute, isn’t it?
Ko no sukaato wa kawaii desu ne?
I don’t really like Ken’s blue T-shirt
Ken-san no aoi tii-shatsu wa chotto
I want that cap
A no boushi ga hoshii desu
I want that cool coat over there
A no kakkoii kouto ga hoshii desu
Hana’s umbrella is nice
Hana-san no kasa wa ii desu
How much is that dress?
A no doresu wa ikura desu ka?
This is 200 yen
Kore wa ni hiyaku en desu
How much are the black shoes?
Kuroi kutsu wa ikura desu ka?
This store is nice, isn’t it?
Ko no mise wa ii desu ne?
I don’t really like expensive clothes
Takai fuku wa chotto
Is that wallet one thousand yen?
A no saifu wa sen en desu ka?
That doctor drinks coffee at 10:30
So no isha wa juu ji han ni kou hii o nomimasu
What’s the matter? / What’s wrong?
Dou shita no?
What’s the matter with him?
Kare wa dou shita no desu ka?
Damn it!
Chikushou! / yabai!
Humble response to a compliment (casual)
Zen zen dayo
Humble response to a compliment (formal)
Ie ie
He’s a nice nurse
Yasashii kangoshi desu
This restaurant is nice isn’t it?
Ko no resutoran wa ii desu ne?
How much is the sushi meal set?
Sushi teishoku wa ikura desu ka?
Two waters please
Mizu o futatsu kudasai
Two ramens please
Raamen o futatsu kudasai
Okay then, pizza please
Jaa, piza o kudasai
One udon meal set please
Udon teishoku o hitotsu kudasai
Um (another way), water please
Eeto, mizu o kudasai
How’s the miso soup?
Misoshiru wa dou desu ka?
It’s a bit expensive, isn’t it?
Sukoshi takai desu ne?
That salad is a bit big, isn’t it?
So no sarada wa sukoshi oukii desu ne?
Female version of bye among friends
Are you serious? (Casual)
Are you serious? (Formal)
Honto desu ka?
Let’s go!
Let’s go! (Anime)
What happened?
Damn it! (Anime)
See you! (Anime)
This is easy
Kore wa kantan desu
I often hang out with my older brother
Yoku ani to asobimasu
I eat dinner with my family every day
Mainichi kazoku to ban gohan o tabemasu
Do you often go out with Hana?
Yoku Hana-san to dekakemasu ka?
I go out with friends on weekends
Shyuumatsu wa tomodachi to dekakemasu
I talk with my mom every night
Maiban, haha to hanashimasu
I watch cute videos with Ken on weekends
Shyuumatsu wa Ken-san to kawaii douga o mimasu
Could you say that again?
Mouichido ittekudasai / Mouichido o negai shimasu
No thank you / I’m okay
Daijoubu desu
Check please
Okaikee o negai shimasu
I want to go home
It looks light (not heavy)
It looks delicious
I don’t understand Japanese
Nihongo ga wakarimasen
My older sister’s dress is red
Ane no doresu wa akai desu
The platforms are over there
Houmu wa asoko desu
The platforms are on the first floor
Houmu wa ikkai desu
Oh, the ticket gate is not on the first floor
A kaisatsu wa ikkai janai desu
The transfer is here
Norikae wa koko desu
Do you have a restroom?
Otearai wa arimasu ka?
The ATM is on the underground level
ATM wa chika desu
We don’t have WiFi
Wifi wa arimasen
Are taxis on the underground level?
Takushii wa chika desu ka?
Oh, the trash cans are on the second floor
A, gomibako wa nikai desu
Are the stairs close?
Kaidan wa chikai desu ka?
Is the exit far?
Deguchi wa tou-i desu ka?
Is the café on the second floor?
Kafe wa nikai desu ka?
See you tomorrow (slang)
It tastes really good! (Slang)
Maji ume!
This is crunchy
Kore wa kari kari desu
I agree
Sou da ne
I agree (casual)
I know, right?
Same here
Boku mo onaji
I have a fever
Netsu ga arimasu
I have a headache
Atama ga itai desu
I have a stomach ache
Onaka ga itai desu
I have a sore throat
Nodo ga itai desu
You’re good at it (giving compliment)
Jouzu desu ne
Welcome back (less formal)
I’m going but coming back
Go and come back safe (in response to ittekimasu)
What time do you go to sleep?
Nanji ni nemasu ka?
I often read the newspaper
Yoku shinbun o yomimasu
Is that alright?
Ii desu ka?
I knew it!
I make dinner around 3 o’clock
San-ji goro ban gohan o tsukurimasu
I make breakfast around 8:30 everyday
Mainichi, hachi-ji han goro asa gohan o tsukurimasu
Are you going to play baseball next week?
Raishuu yakyuu o shimasu ka?
I’m hungry (casual)
Onaka suita / onaka peko peko / hara hetta
I’m hungry (formal)
Onaka ga sukimashita
Yes, I shower every night
Hai, maiban shawaa o abimasu
I run every week
Maishuu hashirimasu
I’m going to talk with Ken next week
Raishuu Ken-san to hanashimasu
Bye (more masculine)
Have fun / enjoy
Tanoshinde ne
Thank you for what you’ve done
Arigatou gozaimashita
Don’t look at me
Dumplings over flowers (Japanese saying - practical over aesthetics)
Hana yori dango
Wait! (In anime)
Wowww / that’s so cool!
Hello (on the phone)
Moshi moshi
I’m addicted to games
Geemu ni hamatteiru
I went to bed late at night
Boku wa yoru osoku nemashita
Okay (casual)
I’ll do my best (casual)
I’ll do my best (formal)
It’s the worst
Saiaku (casual) / saiaku desu (polite)
This room is very big
Ko no heya wa totemo hiroi
This room is not very big
Ko no heya wa hiroku nai
What’s the flavor?
Aji wa nan desu ka?
No thank you (another way)
Kekko desu
He is older
Kare wa toshiue desu
Don’t worry (another way) / everything will be fine
Daijoubu dayo
Don’t give up
Do your best! / keep it up! (sports / working out)
You can do it, Brenden
Brenden nara dekiru
It’ll work out
Nantoka naru
I sometimes go to the gym
Tokidoki jimu ni ikimasu
I go to the gym once in a while
Tamani jimu ni ikimasu