Expression Flashcards
a huge amount of money
An inordinate amount of money
Very expensive item
A big-ticket item
Less than stellar experience
Lame experience
성수기 /비수기/ 중간수기?
peak season/lowest season/ shoulder-season
품질이 좋지 않은 물건
the bottom of the barrel products
국경을 막론하고 다 같다
that are the same across the board
주요한 차이
stark differences
너무 머리속에 박혀있다.
it’s so ingrained in them
to behave in a way that gives you an advantage or allows you to succeed at something:
if you play cards right
힘들게 번 돈을 쓰기 전에
before you lay down your hard-earned money
everything that is typical of or possible in an activity, situation, set of things etc
the whole nine yards
are you doing the whole nine yards when it comes to teaching Korean
out of blue
off the cuff
To begin to or make an effort to understand, accept, and deal with a difficult or problematic person, thing, or situation.
come/get to grips with something
They haven’t come to grips that English is the defacto lingua franca
to try very hard to be helpful
bend over backwards
We bent over backwards to finish it on time.
strong dislike or hatred
There is no personal animosity between the party leaders.
She felt a certain amount of animosity towards him.
사돈 남말한다
The pot calls the kettle black
감정적으로 미성숙한(안 큰거)
Emotionally stunted
인간의 게으름의 최대수혜자
The greatest benefactor of human laziness
to do something to help someone out of trouble, especially financial problems
To bail out
The government bailed out the ailing car company in order to protect jobs.
New york state get bailed out
너무 힘들어서 쓰러져서 KO
down for the count
You are a natural
한 귀로 듣고 한귀로 흘려
In one ear and out the other
a situation in which you have the advantages of two different things without any of the disadvantages
get/have the best of both worlds
You must accept that which is given to you, especially if you don’t have the means to acquire it yourself.
Beggars can’t be choosers
We all must leave worldly wealth behind when we die.
You can’t take it with you.
Foolish people make purchases without consideration; it is easy to sell something to someone foolish.
A fool and his money are soon parted
You should avoid both borrowing and lending money
Neither a borrower nor a lender be.
Money is one of the most important things in life
Money makes the world go round.
Money, or, more specifically, the desire to obtain and amass it, is the ultimate reason humans do evil things to one another.
Money is the root of all evil
One must start out with money to make more money, as by investing it in some way.
it takes money to make money
Physical beauty is superficial and is not as important as a person’s intellectual, emotional, and spiritual qualities.
Beauty is only skin deep
Persons, places, or things become dearer to us when they are absent.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder
you have to look at a lot of companies to find the real gems.
You have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your prince.
wealth gives power and influence to those who possess it.
Money talks
It isn’t easy to get money
Money doesn’t grow on trees
Not healthy not fit
Out of shape
Out of the loop
Shortness of breath
Out of breath
I ran so fast and I’m out of breath
Behaving differently than usual
Out of character
His impolite behaviour today was out of his character
Inconvenient ; difficult to get to
Out of the way
It’s a great little pub, but a bit out of the way.
Out of this world
having a neat appearance that suggests you are someone who does not break rules or cause trouble
a clean cut kid
To say something you are not supposed to say; you have no right to say and make people upset;you say something that you do not have the right or authority to say.
speak/talk out of turn
I hope I haven’t spoken out of turn.
with one’s own money rather than with money from another source (such as an insurance company)
Out of pocket
With so many people willing to pay out of pocket most insurance companies do not pay for the procedure, because they regard it as “cosmetic” …
Out of one’s mind
No longer used to doing something, no longer adept for lack of doing something,
Out of practice
Mom hadn’t baked a cake in years—she said she was out of practice
No longer involved
Out of the picture