Expression Flashcards
Correct me if I’m wrong, but don’t you need an umbrella if you’re going out in the rain
Just to clarify, could you please explain a bit more about what you want to do?
To have an ace in the hole
To have a hidden advantage
An advantage that you have that other people do not know about.
I’ve been working for hours, I am going to call it a day
Ca fait des heures que je bosse, c’est bon, ca suffit pour aujourd’hui
Ca suffit pour aujourd’hui
Let’s call it a day
Tu l’as dit!
You can say that again
Qui a les pieds sur terre
Joanna is very down-to-earth person: she’ll be a great asset in the coming crisis
Est-ce que je peux avoir un coton tige?
Can I get a Q-tip?
(Cotton swab is the exact word)
Q-tip= brand name
I have a cut on my hand.
Can i get a Band-Aid?
Band-aid = pansement, tirita
To be in hot water
= you are in a bad situation
I am in hot water because I forgot my wife’s birthday
I’m in hot water because I got bad grades at school
To drop out of (sth)
To voluntarily leave
He dropped out of school.
Il a arrêté l’école.
I decided to drop out of college.
On a eu une dispute
We had a falling out
I had a falling out with my previous boss, so I decided to get a new job.
To side with
To support someone
My dad was upset because I sided with my uncle in the argument
I decide to side with my uncle
Le Parti espère que le ministre se ralliera à lui
The Party hopes the minister will side with them
Les résultats de William ont déçu ses parents
William’s grades disappointed his parents.