Eng Flashcards
Marge de progression
Room for improvement/growth
Kevin Durant has room for improvement
Il semble peu probable que Philip décroche le poste; il n’a pas les qualifications requises.
It seems unlikely that Philip will get the job: he really doesn’t have the right qualifications.
Un appel d’offres
Calls for tenders
The firm’s tender was accepted and they got the contract.
Une nuit blanche
Passer une nuit blanche
To have a sleepless night, to get no sleep
(Deliberately) To stay up all night,
(Deliberately) to pull an all-nighter
Le téléphone sonne occupé
The line is busy
The line is engaged (uk)
Le président sortant
El presidente saliente
The outgoing president
Des courbatures
Agujetas - tener agujetas
Avoir du mal à
Il a du mal à dormir
To have difficulty (+gerund)
To have trouble (+gerund)
He has trouble sleeping
Faire appel (decision de justice)
To appeal
The murderer appealed his forty-year sentence.
The appeal against his conviction failed, and he was sent back to prison.
Licenciement abusif
Despido improcedente
El juez declara el despido como improcedente
Wrongful termination, wrongful dismissal
La semelle d’une chaussure
A sole
There is a hole in the sole of his shoe.
La suela
La boite à gants (voiture)
La guantera
Sacó de la guantera la documentacion del coche.
The glove compartment
Un rehausseur (voiture - chaise pour les bebe)
A booster seat
Un pot de fleurs
A flower pot
Martha s’est cassée la hanche en tombant dans l’escalier.
Martha broke her hip when she fell down the stairs.