Exposure to Toxic Gases Flashcards
Toxic Inhalations
Once the patient is safely accessible for the IDC, the mainstay of patient treatment is supportive care with:
1) High-flow, 100% oxygen
2) BVM ventilation
3) Endotracheal intubation (ETI) as needed
Inhaled agents manifest their toxic effects by four different mechanisms:
1) Physical particulates
2) Simple asphyxiants
3) Chemical irritants
4) Chemical asphyxiants
Additionally, if the inhalation occurs the setting of a fire, heat can cause life threatening
upper airway _____ further threatening the patient’s airway
The signs and symptoms of physical particulate exposure are the result of ______
irritation of the respiratory system.
-includes excessive coughing and some degree of shortness of breath.
Treatment exposure to toxic gasses
(a) Management is supportive
1) Remove the patient from the source of the physical particulates and administer oxygen.
2) Patients with signs of reactive airway disease (e.g., wheezing and poor air flow) should be treated with nebulized Albuterol.
If the simple asphyxiant is CO2, patients may experience what as the initial effect of exposure?
a narcotic-like sleepiness
What gasses are simple asphyxiants?
1) Carbon dioxide (CO2)
2) Nitrogen
3) Methane
4) Natural gas
Simple Asphyxiants Treatment
(a) The mainstay of simple asphyxiant management is gaining safe access to the patient
(b) Administration of high-concentration oxygen
(c) Cardiopulmonary support as indicated
Two general classes of chemical irritants are….
those that react readily with water
and those that do not.
What type of chemical irritants can pass more
deeply into the lungs and cause direct lung injury?
non- hydrophilic agents
What inhaled agents quickly with the moist membranes of the eyes and the upper respiratory tree, causing immediate intense burning and pain
Hydrophilic inhaled agents
_______ express their toxic effects by chemical reaction with the mucus membranes of the eyes and respiratory system
Chemical irritants
inhaled Chemical irritants tx
(a) Treatment of chemical irritant exposures should include supportive care and irrigation of eyes with water or saline.
(b) As with particulate irritants, patients with underlying asthma or COPD will likely benefit from nebulized albuterol treatments if bronchospasm is evident during physical examination
Simple stated, _______ cause injury by asphyxiating patients at the cellular level by massively deranging normal cellular utilization of oxygen.
chemical asphyxiants
The most common example of a chemical asphyxiant is ….
carbon monoxide
cyanide gas (HCN) and Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S). belong to what class?
Chemical Asphyxiants
What Chemical Asphyxiants block the effective use of oxygen within the cell. This causes rapid body-wide ischemia, which results in a severe metabolic
HCN and H2S
_______ poisoning often has a gradual, even insidious, onset of symptoms, which may include headache, chest pain and decreasing mental status. Frequently, the patient progresses to coma and death.
Patients exposed to ____ and ______ tend to have a very rapid onset and progression of symptoms.
H2S and HCN
The treatment for CO poisoning is …..
supportive care with high-flow oxygen via
a non-rebreather mask
ET tube for the comatose patient.
CO-exposure patients with high blood levels of CO Hgb or those who are pregnant, have signs of cardiac ischemia or have a loss consciousness are all candidates for what?
hyperbaric oxygen therapy
______ poisoning has several unique features, including the characteristic “rotten egg” smell.
The treatment for H2S exposure includes…
supportive care with highconcentration
oxygen and ETI if indicated.
How can a patient exposed to H2S be toxic to the EMS provider
The “off ventilation” of exhaled H2S from the contaminated patient’s pulmonary tree may be significant enough to cause some level of toxicity
The seriously poisoned _____ victim classically presents with unresponsiveness, hyperventilation and hypotension without evident cyanosis
cyanide treatment
-cyanide antidote
-supportive care with 100% oxygen
What is the #1 priority when treating patients exposed to toxic gas?
scene safety