Exposure Quotes Flashcards
Weather is personified.
Wind is causing deliberate harm.
‘Our brains ache in the merciless iced east winds that knive us’
Silence creates physiological suffering.
‘Night is silent’
Repetition of phrase.
Waiting for something ti happen but not wanting it too.
‘But nothing happens’
Wind is personified as enemy causing the conflict.
‘Watching, we hear the mad gusts tugging on the wire’
Simile to compare movement of wind to suffering of men on barbed wire.
‘Like twitching agonies of men’
Creates sound of conflict.
Flickering gunnery rumbles.
Feeling of pointlessness abd lack of purpose.
'’like a dull rumour of some other war’’
Powerlessness in war.
Rhetorical question.
‘What are we doing here?’
Suddenly war like acivity.
‘Sudden successive flights of bullets streak the silence’
Weather doesn’t care about their suffering.
‘Wind’s nonchalance.
Think they are on the verge of death.
‘Is it that we are dying?’
Death is imminent.
‘We turn our back to our dying’
Lost their faith in God.
Conflict us essential to protects home and survive.
‘For love of God seems dying’
Laock of spirit.
‘All their eyes are ice’