Exposure Flashcards
Our brains ache
Assonance - the long vowel sounds represent the soldiers’ boredom.
merciless iced east winds that knive us…
Sibilance imitates the hissing wind.
Silence, sentries whisper, curious, nervous
Sibilance imitates the soldiers’ whispers.
mad gusts tugging on the wire
Personification to represent the frenzy of war.
Para-rhymes used ironically to contrast how the military should be regimented and strict.
The poignant misery of dawn
Contradiction as dawn usually represents hope.
Dawn massing in the east her melancholy army
Personification implies they are also battling the weather.
Sudden successive flights of bullets streak the silence.
Sibilance imitates the aforementioned silence/whispers.
We cringe in holes, back in forgotten dreams
Metaphor to imply they are being hunted like animals.
Slowly out ghosts drag home
Foreshadowing as many of the men will die as unknown soldiers. Owen himself, for example.