Exposés Flashcards
George Washington, ‘‘Letter to Robert Morris’’, 12 April 1786
Very close to Robert Morris (also a founding father).
Subject : slave owner being prosecuted bc of the way he treats his slave. Through personal connection, Washington tried to defend him. Even if he is against slavery, he is saying that the way this trial is being conduct is not just.
–> Bio Washington
We can see through this letter his pov about slavery.
For Washington, they are ruling unlawfully. They were mb of the religious society of Friends. Started in Britain. 2 main believes: Christianity have been deviated, and they are the true Christians. Religious facts are found not by obeying Christian hierarchy but within oneself. Opp to hierarchical structures, religious but also all kind of hierarchical structures. At 1st, it was oppressed, esp in England but also in English colony in America. During the 18th century, they got involved in the abolition mvt, bc linked to their religious believes. In America, petition against slavery, started after the Revolutionary war, but didn’t work.
Washington position about the Quakers
Opp to them, bc he is saying that it is a grp of ppl trying to push their idea through their interconnections = tyrannical bc tiny grps are trying to push their ideas on the rest. But Washington himself is using his connections to have an impact on the trial.
What are his arguments ?
- He does not consider the Quakers legitimate.
- Dalby is the one persecuted.
- Slaves’ owner are the victims + the protectors as the slave.
- Slave owner presented like heroes and protector.
- Slaves owners are said to be afraid to put their property on the line –> and slaves are their properties.
Paradox of Washington
Washington org the capture of his own slaves (since he was 11), even if he wanted to free them in his last will. 3rd §: Washington states that he wants the abolition of slavery but protects slave owner. Against Quakers but states that there is no man who would want more the end of slavery than he does.
The txt really put forward the idea of so-called happy slaves. It remained a central argument in the language of the ppl who wanted to reduce the speed of abolition. This argument was a cliché, all the way to the Civil War. As a result, argument that a slave that wanted abolition has been ‘’brainwashed’’, like a bad idea implanted from the outside, like by the Quakers.
Political influence
Rich ppl have privileged bc of their money. Washington wealth come from his inheritance and marriage. Owning big part of the land at that time meant having power. This letter could be seen as a way of obtaining justice through political influence.
Percentage about today way of life of African-americans
20% of African Americans are living under the mark of poverty. Black (13%) and Hispanic (11%) children were over twice as likely to be food insecure than White children (4%) as of 2021.
Question of class solidarity
contradiction bc accusing the Quakers of smth that he is currently doing. Also, serious kind of conflict, bc the Quakers had a certain influence in the US, esp in Pennsylvania, which was created by the Quakers (takes its name from William Penn). Philadelphia was also the 1st capital city of the US (now capital of the state). The situation when the txt was written was that this state had already voted for the gradual freeing of slave. Quakers are trying to put thing in fast-forward. They were really targeting slave master that were coming to Pennsylvania.
Key word in the Philosophy of the Enlightenment (universal liberty). This so-called liberty wasn’t for everyone, but basically for rich white men. The country was based on a universal right to vote, but only for those ppl.
Quote from the txt about the cliché of happy-slaves
‘’When slaves who are happy and contented with their master are influenced to leave them’’.
Benjamin Franklin, the Way to Wealth, 1758
It is a famous Essay, 1st published as the Preface to Poor Richard’s Almanac. It is a discussion on personal finances and how to succeed in life.
Very famous sayings in this Almanac such as A penny saved is a penny earned.
Interesting txt, idea of the self-made man become a reality later, but he is still an example of that. He writes this bc there is a demand from ppl to know how to become rich, as he did. Central contradiction of his story is that he is using the fact that ppl want to become rich to impose his moral ideas.
Form makes it more effective.
The relationship btw money and virtue are particularly important = ‘’it is hard for an empty sac to stand upright’’. Way of justifying the power of rich ppl.
Relying on god at the end is a way to leave out the question of responsability. But it seems that he sincerely believed in these principles. We could say that the txt is about how to react to not be rich
Benjamin Franklin
1706-1790, publisher, author, scientist, diplomat. –> self-education. Apprentice ship with his older brother. Philadelphia = successful publisher. Adventure and scientist = wide-range interest. He conducted many exp. He was also a politics and diplomate. Played crucial role in the founding of the US and in the US constitution. Served as the 1st Postmaster, improving and org the post service in the colonies. Served as the governor of Pennsylvania and diplomat in France. Vocal opponent against slavery. Key figure of the US.
BF is a deist, but also Christian = relationship with religion kind of ambiguous but strong faith in god.
Analysis of the religious, moral and economic prospect
It is the address of an old man to the people attending an auction.
3 main principles in the txt, related to the moral and religious conception of BF : ‘’work hard’’, ‘’pay attention to one’s own business’’, ‘’frugality’’. He explains that working hard on yourself is a key condition to become wealthy. BF is also an advocator of republicanism. For him, small pleasures have consequences. At the end of the txt, Father Abraham specifies that those advice are efficient only with the help of god. Extract related of the religious and moral of BF.
Father Abraham is kind of a messenger, showing the right path to ppl.
Significance of the book
Critics: BF almanac was a reflection of social norms, and some autobiographer said that he stoll some name and observation
Csq: translated in 3 languages, Weber considered BF and his book to reflect the spirit of capitalism.
Deep influence on the American society. In 1958 a military American operation was named Poor Richard.
Famous example of self-made man. He came from a modest family, learned to read alone, became rich publishing book, and also a state man, a diplomate, an inventor … Very influential in different ways.
Andre Carnegie, ‘‘Wealth’’ (or ‘‘The Gospel of wealth’’), North American Review, June 1889
Author: Scottish American industrialist, philanthropist . Didn’t have a specific education, started on the railroad. Carreer in the steel indus. Invested in New technologies. Revolutionize steel production. Sold his company in 1901 to a Bank = made him one of the wealthiest individuals in the US. He felt that among the wealthy is a duty to society as a whole.
Andrew Carnegie, pioneer of vertical Integration
when a company control every stage of the product.
Theme of the Gospel of Wealth
Here he defends and criticizes capitalism. Def Gospel: implies a set of guiding principles or beliefs about the property of wealth. = Evangile.
Introduces the issues of the administration of wealth, + a way that he believes to be a solution. He then dvp his view on the way of distribution of wealth. Doesn’t believe in inheritance = doesn’t like that the death of the wealthy is necessary for money to be used. Think that money should be administrated during life. Imply a sense of involvement from the wealthy person. For him, the wealth of the few should be invested in a way that would benefit whole society. Think that the wealthy have a capacity to helps society. He is asking for a better use of ‘’surplus wealth’’.
Txt is good illustration of how rich ppl live a privilege life.
Trustfulness of the text
This txt isn’t entire trustful, bc preach hard work, and isn’t a man of the ppl as he pretends to be.
Carnegie built a trust through Vertical integration.
a powerful businessman. 3 ways to dispose of money when rich: passing it to children, philanthropy or to bequeath money on death bed (léguer).
The Homestead strike in 1892
situation in which we could see that even if Carnegie in pub was for workers rights, in this situation, we can see how he organized the destruction of the Union of his workers.
Pinkerton, private detective agency, which played a big role at that time with facing against workers.
accurate to say that ppl like Carnegie tried to keep wages down by actively bringing immigrated workers. The question of solidarity btw workers: prb of strategy btw the workers BUT there is not an impossibility to fight for the workers when there is mass immigration.
Ambivalence of the txt
he is defending capitalism and try to adapt capitalism to new problematics like the workers mvt. He see the risk of instability, ppl being mad at ppl like him for being rich, and wants to create peace (and not equality), and he thinks that by using a certain amount of money, they will be able to create some sort of peace. He said that any form of society other than capitalism is wrong. Clearly not a socialist. He is trying to find a solution against socialism.
Superiority of the rich
This txt reinforces the idea of the superiority of the rich. It is against paying taxes, meaning spending money democratically = the rich ppl will continue to ctrl happens to that money (philanthropy). Everything is based on the idea that the rich will make the best decisions with this money.
Upton Sinclair
American writer, 1878-1968. Several weeks undercover in a factory. He often spoke about inequalities. Org several public protest against standard Oil. Journalist and novl writer. Left-wings politics. Sinclair became famous with The Jungle, about meat-factory in Chicago. It had more impact on American society and consumers than on workers. Led to a national investigation about hygiene in factory.