Explorers Daughter Flashcards
Glittering kingdom
Metaphor, mythical, serenade landscape. Juxtaposes end of text and creates tension as it contrasts hunt
Evening light turned butter gold
Romanticise hunt and creates edenic atmosphere. “Butter-gold”= richness and luxury in artic
Spectral play of colour
Resembles fairytale, magical and calm. Helps build beauty
For centuries
Maintaining tradition, but feels she has to justify it
To dive, to leave, to survive
Triplet reflects on panic and fear as she is conflicted. Hardships of artic life
“Only” -repetition
Limitation of food in artic. Justified as she has to eat to survive
Essential contributor to the survival of the hunters
“Essential”= necessity of killing despite being Immoral and unethical so feels she must justify her way of living
Hunting is still an absolute necessity in Thule
Assertion creates confident tone and allows reader to fell respect and sympathise towards her
Rich in…minerals and vitamins
Vitality of hunting. Writer transitions between factual and literacy style to reflect upon her conflicting views