Explorations Chapter 14 Flashcards
Acclimatory adjustments
Processes by which an individual organism adjusts in order to maintain homeostasis in response to environmental
Activated Melanogenesis
Increase in melanin production in response to ultraviolet radiation (UV) exposure
Alteration in population-level gene frequencies related to environmentally induced selective pressures; leads to a greater level of fitness
for a population related to a specific environment.
Nongenetic-based ways in which organisms adjust to environmental stressors
Allen’s Rule
Due to thermal adaptation, homeothermic animals have body volume-to-surface ratios that vary inversely with the average temperature of their environment. in cold climates, the anticipated ratio is high; in warm climates, it is low
Basal melanogenesis
Genetically-mediated, non-environmentally influenced base melanin level.
Behavioral adjustments
An individual’s culturally mediated responses to an environmental stressor in an effort to maintain homeostasis
Bergmann’s Rule
For a broadly distributed monophyletic group, species and populations of smaller size tend to be found in environments with warmer climates and those of larger size tend to be found in ones that are colder
A continuum of graduations (i.e., degrees of levels) of a specific trait
Mechanism of heat transfer between objects through direct contact
Movement of heat away from a warm object to the cooler surrounding fluid (i.e., gas or liquid).
Convergent evolution
Evolutionary process whereby organisms that are not closely related independently evolve similar traits as a product of adaptation to similar evolutionary parameters
Red blood cell; most common form of blood cell; the principle means of transporting oxygen throughout the circulatory system
Mechanism of heat transfer whereby liquid is transformed into gas, utilizing energy (e.g., heat)
Folic acid
Form of B complex vitamin necessary for proper fetal development
Glogler’s Rule
For mammals of the same species, those with more darkly pigmented forms tend to be found closer to the equator and those with lighter forms are found in regions further from the equator.
Condition of optimal functioning for an organism
Increased depth and rate of respiration
Small portion of the human brain responsible for body temperature regulation
Lactase persistance
Genetic mutation permitting the continued production of lactase-phlorizin hydrolase enzyme in the small intestine past the weaning period.
Black-brown pigment produced by melanocytes; one of the primary pigments in skin.
Specialized cells that produce melanin
Phenotypic plasticity
Ability of one genotype to produce more than one phenotype dependent on environmental conditions.
Mechanism of heat transfer involving electromagnetic energy being emitted by the object