Exploration individuals Flashcards
1450 - 1500
Who is he?
- Portuguese, raised in noble family
- travelled the gold coast in youth
What were his personal motivations?
- status and adventure
- search for riches
- find alternative route to India
- finding Prestor John
What was Diaz’s achievements?
- first to navigate round the tip of Africa 1487
- named the Cape of Good Hope, or Cape of Storms
- prepared vasco de gamas ship
What were the limitations and challenges he faced?
- his crew advised him to return to portugal
- scarcity of supplies
- inhospitality of the coast
- south African coast dangerous waters
- positioning
- uncharted waters
- lack of supplies
- hostile encounters
Da Gama
1460 - 1524
who is he?
- Portuguese
- noble family
- grew up near a port
What were his Motivations?
- status
- governmental role of exploration to India
What were his achievements?
- first to reach India and return home in 1498
- twenty years later went back to India and was elected Viceroy of India on behalf of Portugal
- 1524 died
What were his limitations and challenges?
- disease
- scurvy
- lack of fresh water
- only 54 of 170 returned
- underestimated the culture they encountered
- some gifts were not satisfactory (Mozambique)
- struggled to communicate
- monsoon season on the way back got lost in indian ocean for a month
1502 - voyage was different
- used armed ships to attack muslim ships
- established portuguese trade with east
- 1524 asked to be viceroy for Portuguese crown to deal with corrupt Portuguese authorities
1451 - 1506
Who was he?
- came from genoa, as a trade merchant thats how he knew how to sail
- lived in Portugal and Spain
- tried for decades for the Monarchs to finance him to travel west
- was backed by Isabella of Castille in 1492
What were his motivations?
- Status, family prestige was motivations
- promised grand titles from Spanish monarch
- and used Toscanellis prediction to convince Isabella and finaciers to fund his expaditions
What are his achievements?
- braveness to venture into the unknown
- keep crew together
- charted navigation route that would change the world forever
- established first Spanish settlements
and brought back amazing things
What were some Limitations and Challenges?
- typical challenges
- prospect of Mutiny
- internal and native hostility
- was sidelined when he returned
- didn’t bring gold and spices that he promised in large quantities
1454 - 1512
Who was he?
- from Florence
- family name in decline
- in Serville due to medici shipping agent
What were his motivations?
- wealth and status
- already gained some navigation experience
- one of shareholders
- in 1495 king Ferdinand made private voyages allowed
What were his achievements?
- reached the amazon Basin
- and brazil - (disputed who got there first cabral of him)
- discovered rio dejanero
What were his limitations and challenges?
- not much known about his voyages
1480 - 1521
Who was he?
- Portuguese
- Noble family
- embarked on voyages for the Indian Viceroy for previous experience
What were his motivations?
- for adventure
- find westward route to the spice islands
- expensive overland trade routes existed but were controlled by Arabs and Venetians
- rich goods to boost economy and wealth such as spices unknown to europeans
What were his achievements?
- 1519 first voyage to find the spice islands westward
- circumnavigate the globe
- navigated the straights
- passed through the south tip of America
- crossed the Pacific ocean and reached the spice islands in 1521
- His crew finished the circumnavigation in 1522
What were the limitations and challenges faced by Magellan?
- shortage of supplies
- hostile encounters
- difficult passages of waters such as the straits
- completely uncharted waters
- disputes and lack of communication between natives leading to conflict
- died in the Philippines due to conflict with locals and one of his ships (1521)
Vasco Núnez Balboa
1475 - 1519
Who was he?
- Spanish
- was a nobleman
- however his family was not wealthy
What were his motivations for exploration?
- wealth
- status
- spread of christianity
- explorations for new lands and gold to expand Spanish influence in the world
- westward route to Asia
-spice trade
What were his achievements
- most significant was the discovery of the Pacific ocean in 1513
- first European to discover reach the pacific ocean and claimed it for Spain - leading to great exploration opportunities
- Played a key role in establishing the first permanent settlement in the americas called Santa Maria Antigua
- led military campaigns further inland to claim more land for Spain
What were the limitations and challenges he faced?
- terrain and climate - harsh jungles and mountains
- fighting with tribes
- Political conflict that ended with him being decapitated in 1519
- limited resources, typical explorer problems
1467 - 1520
who was he?
- Portuguese
- from noble family
- member if the court advisor to Manuel the 1st
What were his motivations?
- national aggrandisement
- pirate life
-typical motivations
What were his achievements?
- 1500 admiral of 13 ships that went to expand indian coastline
- used prevailing winds to head west then east
- reached coast of brazil instead and claimed that land for portugal
- in INDIA he established a trading settlement
What were the limitations and challenges he faced?
- could not link calicut due to hostility of the muslim traders in the area
- 4 ships and the crew died in a storm at the cape of good hope
1485 - 1547
Who was he?
- spanish
- minor nobility of Spain
- in the army that conquered Cuba
- conquistador
What were his motivations?
- personal status
- discovery for new lands
What were his achievements?
- led the conquest of the powerful Aztec empire
- manipulated natives with help from Malinche
- took aztec empire in 1519 - 1520
- established colonies
- promoted further explorations
- supported franscican and dominican effort to convert natives
- became governer of new spain
- took the city of Tenochtitlan
What were the limitations and challenges?
- internal challenges
- charles the V/1st sent 4 royal officials to jeep an eye on him i new spain
- The council of Indies - set up by isabela and ferdinand - had full control over the administration of new spain
- resistant and brutal aztec fighters
The Encomienda system 1503
- to stop rebellion and resistance to the spaniards
- offered protection against rival tribes
- taught them spanish
- converted them to Christianity
catholics were opposed to the mistreatment of the natives and the laws of Burgos were set up (1512) - working hours and conversion apllied
1478 - 1541
Who was he?
- spanish
- lower nobility
- illiterate
- already been on some explorations
What were his motivations?
- personell wealth
- success
- prestige
What were his achievements?
- His encounter with a raft of gols and silver made him explore further
- helped defeat the Incas due to internal disputes between them
- became governer of new colony by charles the V/1st
- with only three ships and 180 men took over the entire Inca empire in 1531
- conquest of peru
- crushed Inca rebelion 1536
What were hid failures?
- the destruction of a peacful civilistation
- could not administor the whole empire and led to rebellions from other spanish conquestadors
- was killed by internal rebellion from others and wanted to impliment the new laws? impose power there
The new laws 1542 - from Spain