Explanations of Forgetting Flashcards
Name both explanations of forgetting.
-Interference Theory
-Retrieval Failure
What is the intro of interference theory?
-two lots of information are coded at different times
-causes confusion in the LTM
-One memory would disrupt the other memory
-More likely to happen with similar information
-There are 2 types
What are the 2 types of interference theory
Proactive and Retroactive
Explain the Proactive Theory.
-When past information stored in the memory disrupts the recall of new information
-E.G old phone number disrupts the recall of the new phone number
Explain the Retroactive Theory.
-When recent information stored in the memory disrupts recall of past information stored in the memory
-E.G new car registration disrupts the recall of the old car registration.
Explain the intro of retrieval failure.
-absence of cues
-suggesting that forgetting occurs as information is still in the LTM
-cannot be accessed due to the lack of memory cues
What are the two types?
-Context dependant
-State dependant
What is context dependant forgetting?
-due to the lack of external cues to trigger recall
-environment is different to when recall occurred to when it is coded
-forgetting is more likely
-E.G exam room vs classroom
What is state dependant forgetting?
-due to the lack of internal cues which triggers recall
-because of the internal physical/emotional state being different at recall to when is is coded
-E.G dancing on stage vs studio
What are the Evaluation for interference theory?
-RTS,Mcdonald and Mgheof
-lacks mundane realism
Explain the research my Mcdonald and MCgeof.
-gave a list of words to participants (list A)
-had to learn until they had 100% accuracy
-Were given a second list (interference) this was list B
-recall list A
-was found that LIST B synonyms to list A recall was poor (12%)
-list B of different words to List A recall was higher (26%)
-BECAUSE, interference is strongest when the words were similar which is what the theory predicts
Explain Lacks Mundane Realism.
-artificial task of learning a list of words which is often used
-difficult to generalise to real life examples of forgetting
-doesn’t reflect what we try to remember(E.G)
-Memories are less likely to get contaminated as they are more meaningful
-limits support
What are the Evaluations for Retrieval failure?
-RTS, Godden and Baddeley
-DISCUSSION, context effects aren’t strong
-Goodwin et al
Explain Goodwin et al research.
-male ppt had to learn a list of words drunk/sober
-they would then recall the list 24 hours later in the same state or opposite state
-found that forgetting was more likely in the opposite state than the state it was learned in
-BECAUSE, demonstates that due to the lack of internal cues forgetting is more likely.
Explain Baddeley discussion.
-argues that context must be strong to show effect
-difficult to find a environment that has the same difference as land and water
-in contrast learning something in one room and recalling in another forgetting is unlikely
-lack of contextual cues may not explain forgetting in everyday life.
Explain the research of Godden and Baddeley.
-scuba divers given a list of words to learn on land / underwater
-they would then recall the list in the same setting/opposite one
-found that forgetting is more likely in a opposite setting then where it was learnt (40% less accuracy)
-BECAUSE it demonstrates that due to lack of external cues in the environment forgetting is more likely.