Explanations of Attachment Flashcards
What is the learning theory?
- Suggests attachment happens because the infant associates the caregiver with food.
- Classical conditioning and operant conditioning apply to the development of attachment.
When does classical conditioning happen?
When a response produced naturally by stimulus becomes associated with another stimulus.
How are attachments learned through classical conditioning?
The food produces a natural response of pleasure being paired with a caregiver.
What is the unconditioned stimulus?
The food.
What is the unconditioned response?
The natural response of pleasure.
What is the conditional stimulus?
The caregiver.
What is operant conditioning?
When any action with a pleasurable outcome is repeated, the behaviour will also be repeated.
How are attachments learned through operant conditioning?
The caregiver has become associated with the reduction of hunger and has become the source of the reinforcement themselves.
What is the negative reinforcement?
The reduction of hunger.
What did Dollard and Miller (1950) find regarding the learning theory?
- Babies are fed 2,000 times in their first year usually by the main carer.
- Gives opportunity for the carer to become associated with the reduction of hunger.
- Thus supporting attachments being formed through operant conditioning.
What did Schaffer and Emerson (1964) find regarding the learning theory?
- Found in 39% of cases the mother, usually the main carer, was not the infant’s main attachment figure.
- Suggests that food was not the primary explanation for attachment.
What are the weaknesses of the learning theory?
- Cannot explain more complex behaviour behaviours such as attachment.
- Schaffer and Emerson (1964) suggests that the learning theory provides an inadequate explanation.
- Reductionist as it explains complex behaviours in simple ways without taking into account cognitive processes for the emotional nature of attachment.
What is Bowlby’s Monotropic Theory?
Evolution is the primary explanation for attachments and proposes an internal working model which is used to form all bonds after the primary attachment.
How has evolution influenced attachment?
- Infants become genetically programmed to behave in particular ways towards their parents that increase their chance of survival.
- Infants have developed social releases.
What are social releases?
Innate behaviours that infants have developed to make sure they are cared for and protected.