meridian passage of Aries at the Prime Meridian- Greenwich- 0°. Time
figure is GMT/UT.
Mer. pass
Date and Time based on ____________.
“The change in hour angle arising from v of the body at the time of the sight observation is
accounted for with the v correction.” Source- Bowditch 2017, Chapter 19- Sight Reduction p. 313. The planet’s v is positive unless proceeded by a minus sign which is sometimes the case with Venus. The sign of the Moon’s v is positive.
“The change in declination of the body at the time of the sight observation is accounted for
with the d correction.” Source- Bowditch 2017, Chapter 19- Sight Reduction p. 313. The sign of the Moon or planet’s d correction is determined by the declination trend- positive if successive declination values increase and negative if they decrease.
_____ is the magnitude or brightness of the planet.
A bright planet will have a ________ beside the figure. A fainter planet will have no sign
beside its magnitude figure.
minus sign
planet meridian passage time at the Prime Meridian- Greenwich- 0°. Time figure is GMT/UT.
Mer. pass
planet SHA.
_______ is calculated by subtracting Aries GHA from planet GHA.
Planet SHA
for Venus and Mars.
Horizontal parallax
_________ is the angle subtended by half the Earth’s diameter as viewed from the
planet in minutes of arc.
Horizontal parallax
Semi-diameter of the Sun in minutes of arc. One half of the angular width of the Sun as observed on earth.
the daily average change, per hour, in the Sun’s declination in minutes of arc.
Semi-diameter of the Moon in minutes of arc.
________ is one half of the angular width of the Moon, as observed on earth.
the angle between two lines, one from the center of the Moon to the center of the
Earth, the other from the center of the Moon to the edge of the Earth. This angle is about 56’, but it changes slightly from day to day as the distance to the Moon changes along its elliptical path around the Earth.
_______ is the approximate GMT/UT when the Moon crosses The Prime Meridian (at Greenwich) or the 180° line of longitude.
Moon- Mer. Pass
_____ means the GMT/UT when the Moon crosses The Prime Meridian (Greenwich).
______ means the GMT/UT when the Moon crosses the 180° line of longitude.