Explain why the feudal system was beneficial to the King. (12 marks) Flashcards

  1. Centralized Power

By making an act of homage, the vassal’s own rights were deemed to be confirmed by his lord. The ceremony of homage involved the vassal kneeling before his lord, the clasping of hands, the uttering of certain key words which acknowledged lordship, and the kissing which symbolized accord.

£22,000Through the feudal system, the King gained economic advantages. The vassals were responsible for managing the land they were granted, which included collecting taxes from the peasants who worked the land. In return, the vassals provided the King with a portion of the collected taxes. This system allowed the King to generate income without directly burdening the peasants.

: The feudal system allowed the King to centralize power in his hands. By granting land to loyal nobles or vassals in exchange for their allegiance and military service, the King ensured their loyalty and increased his control over the realm.

How was land distributed?
Land was distributed between the lords, the Church and the king. The barons (leading nobles in the country) held around 50% of the land. One baron owned hundreds of manors (land centred around one or more villages). Lesser nobles and knights held around 5% of the land and would have fewer manors. Land-holding nobles and knights had the title of lord. The church had around 25% to keep the Pope pleased and show respect for God, and would often be rented out to free men. The king kept around 20%. The king’s land is known as the royal demesne, and much of this land would be run by paid managers and also rented out to free men.

king- Granted land and tax concessions
Provided peace, law, protection in return for loyalty and service

Barons- Provided knight
Service according to
Set quota and tax.
Also assisted and advised government
was provided with land and other things by the king

knights-Provided military service in return
for land tax
the king provided ladn to be worked for them

peasants- provided service to work the land

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Military Support


The King relied on the feudal system to assemble and maintain a powerful military force. The nobles, as vassals, were obligated to provide the King with knights and soldiers for his armies. This ensured that the King had a strong military that could defend the kingdom against external threats and maintain internal order.

The duty that knights owed their lord in return for holding their land. As part of knights service, they would have to perform certain duties e.g.
To serve in the king’s army for at least 2 months at his own expense
To perform up to 40 days service in guarding the lord’s castle and in training
To help raise money to pay the ransom of his lord if he was captured in battle or in prison

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Role of the Church:


mThe role of the Church in society
king could perform forfeiture against church members
some churchmen becane leading goverment men the chancellor was alasy a cleric
perform daily church services as well as things like batisms funerals and weddings . The clergy man’s role was to take care of the spiritual welfare of the people by making sure that they correctly followed the teachings of the church. But they were also an important part of the feudal system. The archibishops and bishops held land as vassals of the king and the Church owned about 20% of the land in England . This land could be taken away from the church, but churchmen were expected to perform dutires for it
The role of the Church within government
Duties of clerics
first duty to perform church services. In addition important churchmen such as the archbishops , bishops and abbots had to supply a quota of knights for the king’s army
—-Reasons why relationship between Church and state could be complicated——-
the pope was the churches ultimate leader if it came to conflict.the kimg wanted =hi authoirty recognised and could commit fortfeiture but the chrurch could interict making the realationship complictaed
the church had the power to withdraw (interdict) from the country
During the Middle Ages and Renaissance, an interdict was a sentence imposed by the powerful Catholic Church forbidding a person or place, and sometimes even an entire country, from receiving church privileges or participating in church functions.

excommunicartion: the action of officially excluding someone from participation in the sacraments and services of the Christian Church.

chancellor: chancery, in public administration, an office of public records or a public archives—so called because from medieval times the chancellor, the principal advisor to the sovereign, was the caretaker of public deeds, contracts, and other documents relating to the crown and realm.

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