Experiments Flashcards
whats the aim of controlled experiments
isolate a variable (which is diagnostic of a hypothesis) that we are interested in.
hall’s principle 1
dont experiment when we can find information through observation
hall’s principle 2
no experiment should be performed without a distinct and definiate objective
hall’s principle 3
dont needlessly repeat experiments
hall’s principles 4 and 5
must efficient and responsibilty to desgin and execute and report efficient experiments
hall’s principle 6
results be laid before the public in simplest and plainest terms
define an experimental unit
a subject or group of subjects upon which an observation can be made
when is an experimental unit required
both observational and experimental study
why does an experimental unit need to be independent
systematic difference between units will confound the experiment
the distribution of replicates in experiments to minimize any systematic difference between samples
esures the sample is representative of a population
ensures equal chance of a unit being placed in each group
comparison group
can be positive or negative
How effective is this treatment? will require what type of control
is this treatment more effective? will require what type of control
statistical power of 0.95
we should detect an effect in 19/20 experiments.