Lab Experiment
an experiment with controlled conditions and random allocations
Field Experiment
an experiment with uncontrolled conditions and in a natural setting
Quasi Experiment
an experiment with no IV manipulations and no random allocations
Natural Experiment
an experiment where a researcher researches an already naturally occurring event
when the researcher is asking the participant about past behavior
when the researcher starts measuring something with the participant in the presence, and continues to measure throughout the participants life
Cross-Sectional Research
instead of following the same people throughout their life, the researcher will use different ages participants at the same time
Methodology Application of findings Gender bias Ethical considerations Cultural bias
Consent (informed) Anonymity/confidentiality Right to withdraw Deception Undue stress and/or physical harm Debriefing
following the same people throughout their life
Internal validity
how well experiment is designed/conducted/controlled
External validity
the extent to which the results of a study can be generalised
Population validity
how well the findings can be generalised to the target population (if they’re representative)
Ecological validity
looks at the experimental environment and determines how much it influences behaviour
ex. representativeness of testing situation, if it’s very controlled then low eco. validity
One tailed vs two tailed hypothesis
one tailed is when the hypothesis indicates the result will be higher/lower than before, two tailed indicates that it will be simply different