Experimental Methods Flashcards
What is an experimental method compared to an experimental design and what are the 4 experimental methods?
- An experimental method is how the research is done and an experimental design is how the ppts are organised within the experiment
- the four experimental methods are lab, field, natural and quasi
What is meant by a lab experiment?
- experiment conducted in a highly controlled env e.g. zimbardos research, IV is manipulated to measure effect on DV
What are the strengths and weaknesses of a lab experiment?
- high control over extraneous variables
- high in rel
- lacks eco val
- prone to demand characteristics
Evaluate the strengths high control over extraneous variables and high in rel for a lab experiment
- high control over extraneous variables e.g. gender as its carried out in an artificial env, therefore cause and effect can be est bw IV and DV, inc int val
- high in rel as exp can be easily repeated in same conditions to check for consistent results, inc ext val
Evaluate the weaknesses lacks eco val and prone to demand characteristics for a lab exp
- lacks eco val as its carried out in an artificial env, therefore difficult to gen findings to rl nat settings, lowering ext val
- prone to demand characteristics as ppts pick up in clues given off by researcher and change nat bhv to help researcher, red int val
What is meant by a field experiment?
- exp takes place in nat env e.g. school, IV is manipulated to measure effect on DV e.g. lorenz
What are the strengths and weaknesses of a field experiment?
- less prone to demand characteristics
- high eco val
- low in rel
- low control over extraneous variables
- ethical issues of lack of informed consent
Evaluate the strengths less prone to demand characteristics and high eco val for a field exp
- less prone to demand characteristics as ppl might not know theyre being watched so less likely to guess clues given off by researcher and therefore change nat bhv, inc int val
- high eco val as its done in rl setting so easier to gen findings to similar rl nat settings, inc ext val
Evaluate the weaknesses low in rel, low control over extraneous variables and ethical issues of lack of informed consent
- low in rel as env is natural so difficult to repeat exact same conditions to check for consistent results, red ext val
- low control over extraneous variables as IV is manipulated by researcher but research is done in nat settings which makes it harder to control, so they may effect findings, red int val
- ethical issue of lack of informed consent as ppl may not be aware they are being studies so cannot give consent, if they become aware they may be upset and want to withdraw their data from research
What is meant by a natural exp?
- researcher takes advantage of a nat occurring IV/event so its a nat exp (IV is natural, not necessarily the setting), IV is not manipulated
What are the strengths and weaknesses of a natural exp?
- provide opportunities
- high eco val
- low rel
- low control over extraneous variables
Evaluate the strengths that natural exp provide opportunities and have high eco val
- provide opportunities for research that may not be possible due to ethical reasons e.g. rutters study on romanian oprhans was a nat exp that wouldve been unethical to manipulate if inst hadnt alr occured nat, therefore nat exp contribute to a greater psychological und of bhv
- high eco val as nat exp are used in rl settings, so easier to gen findings to simila rl nat settings, inc ext val
Evaluate the weaknesses low rel and low control over extraneous variables for a nat exp
- low rel as nat occuring event may happen rarely so its unlikely research can be repeated in same conditions to check for consistent results, limiting opportunities for research, red ext val
- low control over extraneous variables as nat exp take place in nat env so difficult to est cause and effect bw IV and DV, low int val
What is meant by a quasi exp?
- exp where IV is based on existing characteristics bw people such as age/gender, IV is not manipulated but researcher still measures effect on DV
What are the strengths and weaknesses of a quasi exp?
- sample bias
- quasi can be conducted in nat or controlled env so field or lab, so AO3 depends on method