Experimental Methods Flashcards
What are the conditions for a lab test?
Specified controlled which researcher manipulates IV to measure effect on DV to minimise effect of EV on results
What are the conditions for a field test?
Natural conditions, researcher manilpulates IV to measure effect on DV
Field is any place that isn’t lab
What are the conditions for a natural test?
Researcher doesn’t manipulate IV but examines effect of existing IV on DV
IV is naturally occurring, like food
Behaviour of people affected either compared to theirs beforehand, or with group who haven’t encountered IV
What are the conditions for a quasi test?
Naturally occurring IV but it already exists
IV is difference between people, e.g. gender
Researcher examines effect of IV on DV
Quasi experiments don’t have to be, but mostly conducted in natural setting
What are the nature of participants in lab experiments?
Aware they’re taking part in investigation due to contrived nature of situation which may feel unlike real-life
What are the nature of participants in field experiments?
Don’t know they’re taking part in investigation with view to observing more behaviour
What are the nature of participants in natural experiments?
IV natural in experiment but not necessarily context in which investigation takes place since participants could be studied in lab
What are the nature of participants in quasi experiments?
May be conducted in lab under controlled conditions, but often in natural settings
Evaluate lab experiments
Strength - high control of extraneous variables - high degree of internal validity & protects DV from EV
Limitation - lack external validity - participants can change behaviour to unnatural manner
Evaluate field experiments
Strength - higher level of ecological validity - results more representative of everyday life
Limitation - ethical issues - participants unaware of investigation, so can’t give consent
Evaluate natural experiments
Strength - Higher level of external validity - real-life issues studied rather than manipulated artificially
Limitation - no control over environment or EV - difficult for research to accurately assess effects of IV on DV
Evaluate Quasi experiments
Strength - allow researchers to compare different types of people - provide insight into similarities & differences
Limitation - participants can’t be randomly selected - could be subject to researcher bias & less certain that IV alone caused effect or other environmental factors