Experimental Design Flashcards
What is experimental designs?
How to allocate your participants to different conditions
What are the three experimental design?
- Independent groups
- Repeated measures
- Matched pairs
Describe the independent measure:
- Recruit group of participants
- Randomly allocate to conditions
- Measure the DV for each group
- Compare the results for the two groups
Strengths of independent measures:
- No order effects
- Reduced demand characteristics
Limitations of independent measures:
- Participant variables
- More participants needed
Describe the repeated measures:
- Recruit a group of participants
- Does condition one, then condition two
- Compare the results for the two conditions
Strengths of repeated measures:
- Reduced participant variables
- Fewer participants
Limitations of repeated measures:
- Order effect e.g boredom
- Rise in demand characteristics
How to eliminate limitations of independent measures?
Randomly allocated to conditions to avoid bias
How to eliminate limitation of repeated measures?
- Counterbalancing
- Single blind technique
Describe the matched pairs:
- Recruit a group of participants
- Find there personality
- Find similar people
- Pair them together
- Separate them into each condition
- Compare the results of the matched pairs
Strengths of the matched pairs:
- Participant variable reduced
- No order effect
Limitations of the matched pairs:
- Matching is not perfect
- More participants required
- Time consuming
How to eliminate limitations of matched pairs?
- Use identical twins in different conditions
- Already closely matched