Experiment stuff Flashcards
What is THE acronym?
What does the C stand for?
Control - a control for the experiment, the experiment you do without the factor you’re investigating e.g. plant without light.
But can’t do this all the time e.g. temperature and pH
What does the O stand for?
Organism - what organisms will be involved and what similarities will they need to have e.g. species, age, gender, health
What does the R stand for?
Repetition - repeat your experiment 3 times to increase RELIABILITY
What does the first M stand for?
Measurement - what you plan to measure and how
What does the second M stand for?
Measurement - how often you are going to measure or a timescale for the experiment
What do the S’s stand for?
Standardisation - what you need to keep the same (control variables), MAX 2/3
What is the equation for % change?
% change = (final mass-initial mass) / initial mass x 100