Experiment C: Stoichiometry And Reactions In Aqueous Solutions Flashcards
What are the two objectives
1) chemical reactions are used to transform scrap aluminum to alum
2) mass percent of phosphorus in fertilizer sample will be determined
What are the two parts of the experiment
(Have to say chemical formula for alum in first part)
1) formation of KAI(SO4)2•12H2O from aluminum scraps
2) phosphorus in fertilizer
What is the most abundant metal and 3rd most abundant metal in earths crust
What element is wildest distributed in alumino-silicate minerals and clays
What is the main ore of aluminum
And what is it a mixtures of, need to say chemical formula
A hydrate of aluminum oxide, Al2O3, mixed with oxides of iron, silicon, and titanium
Why was aluminum expensive to produce
Until the development of what process
Due to the stability of Al2O3
Until Hall-Hercult process
Aluminum production requires ____ of energy
Melting point of Al?
A lot
660 degrees
Chemical formula for Alum
Correct chemical name
And two other names it can be called
Aluminum sulfate dodecahydrate
Also called potassium alum or kalinite
Steps for alum part of experiment with chem formulas
1) scraps will be dissolved by a reaction with hot potassium hydroxide, KOH using a hot plate
Al(s) + KOH (aq) + H20 —> K+(aq) + Al(OH4)4- + H2(g)
2) sulfuric acid, H2SO4 is added and initially a white solid forms, when heated again,
Al(OH)3 (s)
Al(OH4)- (aq) + H2SO4 (aq) —> Al(OH3) (s) + H20 + SO4 2- (aq)
3) Al(OH3) (s) undergoes further reaction
Al(OH)3 (s) + H2SO4 (aq) —>
Al3+ (aq) + SO4 2- (aq) + H2O
Solution left in locker to form crystals of alum
In the steps for alum production, which compound is amphoteric
What does amphoteric mean
Al(OH)3 (s)
Can react with either acid or base
What does the label on the fertilizer show
Ex) 10-20-10
Have to say chemical formula
1) guaranteed mass percent of total nitrogen
2) available phosphoric acid, H3PO4
3) soluble potash, K2O
What is the “mass percent” of a solution
The RATIO of the mass of SOLUTE that is present in a solution, RELATIVE, to the MASS of the solution as a whole
What compound is not actually in fertilizer, and what is the usual compound
Have to say chemical formulas
P205, diphosphorus pentoxide
Usual: (NH4)H2PO4, ammonium dihydrogen phosphate
Steps for part 2 of experiment, mass percent of phosphoric acid (3)
1) known mass of fertilizer will be mixed with water to dissolve the
(NH4)H2PO4, ammonium dihydrogen phosphate
2) excess magnesium sulfate solution, MgSO4 + H2O is added with ammonia to adjust the ph (appropriate level is 8-9) to form
3) solid is isolated by filtration and weighed
What is a solute
Thing that gets dissolved
What is a solvent
Thing that does the dissolving
How to perform calculation after part 2 of experiment
use mass of solid to calculate equivalent mass of “P2O5” (since this is what the manufacturer cites)
- will calculate what percent the mass of P2O5 is of the original mass of the fertilizer
- wi compare to manufactures statement
Experimental procedure: how is solution filtered in part 1 and with what compound
Filter hot solution with KOH by pouring through a funnel with filter paper that drips into erlyn flask
Experimental provide part 2: how does solution become a solid
List material and process
Use Büchner funnel, filter paper, utility clamp, bench top vacuum, vacuum hose, black rubber adapter
vacuum pulls air through percipitate, can then weigh this
What is a percipitate
A solid formed by a change in a solution
What was the guaranteed percent of available P205