Experiential Theory Flashcards
What is experiential therapy?
Experiential therapy targets emotional exchanges. The therapist uses warmth and empathy to connect with the client.
Do you guys remember the people that thought of….all of these?
Symbolic Therapy
Emotionally Focused Therapy
Internal Family Systems
Satir Growth Model
Symbolic Therapy - Carl Whitaker
Emotionally Focused Therapy - Sue Johnson
Internal Family Systems- Richard Schwartz
Satir Growth Model - Virginia Satir
The therapist must win the battle for “???”, and the client must win the battle for “???”
Don’t work harder than your clients!
Symbolic Therapy - Whitaker:
Also known as therapy of the absurd. Why?
Whitaker would be brutally honest, say ridiculous stuff, appear rude, or act disinterested to imbalance the system. This model relies on humor, play, and affective confrontation.
EFT - Johnson:
Someone tell me about EFT.
This model helps couples build emotional connections by sharing primary emotion through enactments. It’s about what you were FEELING when it happened. Identify and de-escalate negative cycles through alliance building, underlying emotions, and reframing problems in terms of the cycle. ALSO ATTACHMENT
IFS - Schwartz:
What are the four categories for “parts”?
The Exile: hurt, broken, closed away
The Manager: keeps the exile locked up; controller, caretaker
The Firefighter: when the manager fails to keep the exile hidden, it uses whatever means necessary too contain dangerous emotions
The Self: kind, compassionate, where healing occurs.
Satir Growth Model - Virginia Satir:
What is Virginia Satir known for?
Increased warmth and empathy. Honoring the client’s unique experience without condemnation. Not taking sides.
Satir Growth Model - Virginia Satir:
How is hope important in this model?
Clients need to have faith that things can change before they can move forward.
Satir Growth Model - Virginia Satir:
What are the Six Stages?
- The status quo – state of homeostasis with at least one symptomatic member
- Introduction of foreign element – maybe life crisis or therapeutic intervention which gets system off balance
- Chaos – family tries to go back to status quo
- Integration of new possibilities
- Practice
- New status quo
Satir Growth Model - Virginia Satir:
How can the symptom serve a purpose?
A child could act out to reduce marital tension, or someone could use their depression to avoid confrontation with a spouse. The goal is to figure out how to meet the underlying need without needing the symptom.
Satir Growth Model - Virginia Satir:
Oh look, there’s also Six Levels of Experience to remember! This is called The Iceberg.
The Iceberg – to assess motivations behind symptomatic behavior
Behavior – external manifestation of internal world Coping – defense mechanisms Feelings – about the past Perceptions – beliefs, attitudes and values Expectations – how life should be Yearnings – longing to be loved/accepted
Satir Growth Model - Virginia Satir:
Aghhh, there are also four Defense/Survival Stances. What are they?
Placator – people pleasers; not until placator regularly and openly disagrees with therapist has rapport with therapist been established
Blamer – needs a therapist to provide more direct/ upfront communication
Superreasonable – uses logic and rules to justify self
Irrelevant – unique challenge; no consistent grounding of self
Satir Growth Model - Virginia Satir:
AGGHHH and five Family Roles
The martyr – sees themselves as suffering for the good of the family and lets everyone know it
The victim – takes no responsibility/ helpless
The rescuer – enables unhealthy behavior
The good child or person
The bad child or person
Satir Growth Model - Virginia Satir:
Power Struggles – within family or extended family
Parental Conflicts – disagreements about parenting or child care
Lack of Intimacy – minimal sharing of significant personal information
Lack of Validation – members express little emotional support for each other
Satir Growth Model - Virginia Satir:
What are…ingredient questions?
It’s just a question with different parts to it.
What MEANINGS do I make of what I hear and see?
What FEELINGS do I have about the meanings I make?
What DEFENSES do I use?
What RULES for COMMENTING do I use?
What is my RESPONSE to the situation?
Satir Growth Model - Virginia Satir:
What is family sculpting?
Clients position family members in positions that reflect their relationships.
Satir Growth Model - Virginia Satir:
What is a family life chronology?
A timeline that includes the major events in an individuals family life (births, deaths, marriages, job loss, divorces, wars natural disasters, etc.)