expeditionary tactics Flashcards
survivability ops
altering the environment to provide cover concealment and camo
individual fighting positions
positions to engage enemy,
individual, crew-served, combat vehicle, bunkers, towers
crew served fighting positions
hasty or deliberate, must provide protection for the operator
vehicle fighting positions
use vehicle and berms as cover
rules of camo
avoid detection, identify threat, use realistic camo, minimize movement
begin planning arrange recon make recon complete plan issue order supervise
land nav procedures
describe grid system
2 types of security patrol
recon- detects enemy movement
combat- destroy enemy recon patrols
patrol planning and prep steps
study mission plan time study terrain org patrol men, weapons, equipment issue warnord coordinate make recon complete plans issue patrol supervise execute
organization of a patrol for movement
determined by patrol leader to complete mission
leader in the middle
1+ navigators
scouts to front, flank, rear
fire team formations
column; wedge; skirmishers; echelon
column- rapid, controlled movement wedge- good control, all round security skirmishers- max firepower in the front (when enemy strength/location known) echelon- firepower to front and flank
contact: immediate halt
freeze patrol
contact air observation/attack
freeze patrol, dont look up
contact hasty ambush
move quickly left or right/cover and concealment, return fire
contact assault
open fire+shout contact, followed by direction of incoming fire,
contact near ambush/ far ambush
near: little time to maneuver, assault without order
far: take best positions, return fire
crossing a wall
quickly roll over, low silhouette
observing around corners
short stocking, pop corners
movement past windows
stay below window level
use of doorways
quick to next position, keep low
movement parallel to buildings
smoke, cover, concealment, hug buildings
crossing open areas
short distances between buildings
assault element employment
move in groups of two
movement inside buildings
avoid silhouette in doors and windows, hug the walls
clearing a room door closed/open, from stacked positions
shooter 1 enters in direction of the door opening, shooter 2 immediately behind clear area and respective walls pieing technique 2 outside door for security
clearing room door closed split positions
shooter 1 across door from shooter2
shooter1 opens door
shooter2 kneeling position against wall
shooter 1 kicks open door
covering team members for supp to clear room
shooter1+2 one side, 3+4 opposite side follow 2 thru door 3 crosses, establishes sector of fire 4 follows 3 establishes opposite sector if theyre stacked, all shooters on same side door and follow eachother the same
clearing L shaped hallway
2 pies, moves forward to cover more dead space; 1 moves with two
2 stops when cannot cover more, 1 stops and kneels
1 says ready, 2 says move, both move to clear hallway
2 stays standing, 1 stays kneeling
clearing T shaped hallway
both pie
1 clears says ready
2 clears says move
both buttonhook into next positions
Clearing stairwell
1 leads 1 step ahead of 2
before can be engaged from above 1 turns and covers overhead behind and above while 2 remains oriented front
2 follows 1, one step behind and side
1 determines speed
establishing defense priorities
protection dispersion(spread out) concealment covered routes(movement and supply) fire hazards FOF time observation
triple standard concertina fence
2 lines of wire as base, 3 on top
double apron fence
4 and 2 pace fence more common and effective than 6 and 3
984 foot sections
low wire entanglement
4&2 pace double apron fence
medium pickets
when concealment is essential
prevents crawling infiltration
used to slow enemy movement/prevents tunneling
LZ procedures
type helo position in relation to enemy time equipment obstacles <14 degree gradiant
individuals code of conduct responsibilities
learn the code of conduct
EPW procedures
search secure silence segregate speed safeguard tag personal items
aim in front and move at angle
aim quick fire
focus on target, rifle up, pair of two center mass
pointed quick fire
engage using tip of front sight
instinctive shooting
simultaneously bring guns up, align
cone of fire
adjusting for rate of drop
beaten zone
areas on the ground which the cone of fire falls
dead space
areas not covered by fire
danger spaces
methods of determining range
estimate distance to about 1000m
point targets
use fixed fire
wide targets
deep targets
oblique targets
traverse and surge
area targets
traverse and swing
moving targets
aim in direction of target, shoot in front of target
range card prep
used for planning+controlling fire, detecting targets and turnover
tactical lighting
light must have switch wont interfere with operating weapon hold with non firing hand dont silhouette partner turn off light when not needed
fire plan sketch
individual fighting positions
auto rifleman principle of fire assigned
csw pistons
key terrain features
sectors of fire+fire discipline
sectors- areas assigned to units to defend
discipline- ability to apply fire on a target
mission analysis
first step, review, analysis
coa development
mission statement
coa war game
instructions on info pertaining to enemy
coa comparison and development
asses friendly COA, choose whats best to complete mission
order development
principle means for guidance
situation mission execution admin and logistics command and signals
mission- always first enemy- influence, camo, materials terrain and weather troops time civilian consideration
key terrain features obstacles cover and concealment observation/fof avenues of approach
automatic weapons
field of fire
defend reinforce attack withdraw delay
meteorological +oceanographic
consistent weather report
exploit awareness to take advantage