Expanding European frontiers Flashcards
Fill in the blank.
From the late ____s and into the ____s, the Cape settlers moved further North and East from Cape Town.
Fill in the blank.
The movement of the Cape settlers away from Cape Town was led by the ________.
Trek boers
Why did the Trek Boers move away from Cape Town?
- They were looking for fresh grazing ground
- They thought the DEIC were oppressors
- The preferred the freedom of their ox wagons and tents to living under the rule of the DEIC.
How did the Trek Boers travel?
They travelled in ox wagons, the family would be inside, and the slaves and livestock would walk along side them.
Which mountains were seen as the natural boundary of the original Cape settlements?
The Hottentots Holland Mountains.
Did the DEIC have control over the movement of the Trek Boers? Why or why not?
No. There weren’t enough officials in the Cape and no roads to follow the Trek Boers on.
Name two directions the Trek Boers moved.
North and East
How did conflict between indigenous tribes and the settlers come to increase?
The Trek Boers were nomadic pastoralists who moved around. As a result of this moving around, the settlers often clashed with the indigenous people. More and more conflicts happened as white settlement increased.
Fill in the blank.
In the 1730s, the Trek Boers and Khoi Khoi clashed in the ________ district, not far from Cape Town.
Fill in the blank.
The Trek Boers way of life had some ______ effects.
Fill in the blank.
The Trek Boers hunted and killed wild animals, causing the extinction of the ______ and _________ populations.
Quagga and Blauwbok
Fill in the blank.
According to some reports, the Trek boers would capture and enslave _________ _______ and ________.
local women and children
Fill in the blank.
While out searching for new grazing land, the men would ________________ to find the easiest way forward and ______ for the camps at night.
ride ahead on horseback
True or false:
The slaves of the Trek boers had little responsibility when moving around.
False- the slaves were held responsible and relied on heavily for protecting the Trek Boers at night from leopards, lions, etc.
Fill in the blank.
The Trek Boers enjoyed living in ____, ________ groups.
small, isolated
Did the Trek Boers ever settle? If so, how long would they settle for and where?
Yes. For a season or two, usually near a source of water.
Fill in the blank.
The Trek Boers built ___ ____ and thatched their roofs with ______.
Mud huts, reeds.
Name 4 things that the Trek Boers made to sell or use when settled.
- soap from beeswax
- soap from animal fat
- clothes from leather
- shoes from leather
How did the Trek Boers make the floors of their mud huts?
this is a legitimate question 🙃
Using cattle dung and clay.
Did the Trek Boers make furniture for their homes?
Yes. They made furniture from ‘riempies’ (strips of leather) and wood.
Fill in the blank.
The Trek Boers were poorly ________, but very ________.
Fill in the blank.
Most Trek Boer families would travel back to the Cape ___ a year to sell _____, ______, ______, _____, _____, ______, ______, and _______.
- horses
- cattle
- ivory
- beeswax
- soap
- skins
- sheep
- hides
How did the lifestyle of the Trek Boers differ from the Free Burghers at the Cape? Give a paragraph explaining how the Trek Boers travelled around, why they travelled around, set up their homes, and why they liked their freedom.
- In the late 1600s and into the 1700s, Cape settlers started to move.
- The leaders of this movement were the trek boers who were looking for grazing land for their cattle.
- The trek boers thought the Dutch East India Company were oppressive because they taxed them and interfered with their hunting and trading.
- The trek boers enjoyed the freedom and independence of traveling away from the DEIC.
- They traveled in ox wagons and slept in tents at night. The slaves walked.
- The men would go ahead on horseback to find a path forward and water for the camp that night.
- Sometimes if the group found a spot near a river they would stay there for a season or two.
- There was much conflict with local tribes over the journey.
- The trek boers would craft items using leather, wood and animal fat.
Fill in the blank.
When the Trek boers moved inland, they started competing with the _____, the _______ and the _______ for grazing land and water.
San, Khoi Khoi, Xhosa.
Fill in the blank.
There were many fights and raids between the San, Khoi Khoi, Xhosa and settlers, especially in the _____s.
Fill in the blank.
Much of the Khoi Khoi population was depleted during three major outbreaks of ______ and _________.
smallpox and measles