exp MARPOL Flashcards
Learn the key points of MarPol
What does MARPOL annex one deal with?
What does MAROL annex two deal with?
Noxious Liquid in Bulk
What does MAROL annex three deal with?
Packaged Dangerous goods
What does MAROL annex four deal with?
What does MAROL annex five deal with?
What does MAROL annex six deal with?
How many special areas are in Marpol annex 1?
How many special areas are in Marpol annex 2?
How many special areas are in Marpol annex 3?
How many special areas are in Marpol annex 5?
How many special areas are in Marpol annex 6?
Define “en route” in the context of MARPOL
Ship is underway
May deviate from shortest route
Aim to spread discharge over as great an area as practicable
What does MARPOL annex one require of all vessels
No discharge permitted unless through OWS or ODME
What does MARPOL annex 1 require of all vessels over 400 gt?
Keep ORB pt 1
What does MARPOL require of all tankers over 150 gt?
ORB pt 2
What standards must be met by all vessels in order to discharge oily water from machery spaces?
1- must pass through a class approved OWS
2- Oil content of discharge must be less than 15ppm
3- vessel must be en route
4. Must hold valid IOPPC
5. Must be recorded in ORB pt 1
What additional measures are required of vessels wishing to discharge oily water from machinery spaces if they are operating in special areas or are greater than 10000gt?
OWS must have an automatic shutdown
Where can no oily water be discharged from machinery spaces by any vessel?
Arctic (Polar Code 2017)
What does an oily water separator do?
Filters oily water discharges from machinery spaces so that water goes over the side with an oil content of less than 15ppm and oil goes into bilges. In special areas and on vessels greater than 10,000gt OWS has an automatic shut down.
What does an ODME do?
Monitors and records the rate and volume of oily discharge over the side from cargo spaces
What provisions must be met to discharge oily water from cargo spaces by all vessels?
Cargo residue cannot be mixed with machinery spaces oily water
1-must be outside special areas
2-must be en route at 7kts
3-must be over 50nm from land
4-recorded in ORB pt 2
5- discharged via ODME
6-discharge not more than 30l per NM
7- discharge not more than 1/30 000th of previous cargo
8- no discharge permitted in Antarctica or Arctic
What are the special areas under MARPOL annex 1?
1 - Baltic Sea 2 - Black Sea 3- Mediterranean Sea 4 - Red Sea 5 - Gulfs Area 6 - Gulf of Aden 7 - Antarctic Waters 8 - North West European Waters 9 - Oman area of Arabian Sea 10 - Souther South African Waters
What is recorded in the ORB?
All movement, discharge, load and spillage of oil
Who must sign each entry of the ORB?
A responsible officer
Who must sign every day in the ORB
How are errors corrected in the ORB?
Single red line so as to remain legible
How long is the ORB retained on board?
3 years
Which document contains IMO Guidance for SOPEP?
Who approves SOPEP?
Flag State
What inspection can audit SOPEP?
What must SOPEP contain?
Procedures to be followed by crew and Master in the event of a spill
List of Authorities and persons to contact in event of a spill
Immediate actions to reduce or control a spill
Procedures for contacting local and national authorities
How often is the IMO list of authorities to be contacted int eh event of an Oil spill updated, and where must this be updated onboard?
Every 3 months, SOPEP
What additional inclusions to SOPEP are expected by MCA?
General arrangement plan
Tank plan
Fuel oil piping diagrams
What else can be included voluntarily in SOPEP?
Training and drill procedures
Plan review schedule and procedure
Record keeping procedures
Public affairs (media) policy
What is the IOPPC
International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate
Who must carry an IOPPC
All vessels over 400gt and all tankers over 150gt
Who issues the IOPPC
Flag state, although survey and issue may be delegated to class society
How long is the IOPPC valid for?
5 years
How often is the IOPPC surveyed?
Annually and intermediate surveys in 2nd ir 3rd anniversary
Who carries IOPPC Form A
All vessels except tankers
What is contained in IOPPC Form A
Ships particulars Machinery space discharge equipment Means of holding sludge Discharge connection to sludge tanks SOPEP Exemptions Equivalents
What is contained in IOPPC Form B?
Ships particulars Machinery space discharge equipment Means of holding sludge Discharge connection to sludge tanks SOPEP Exemptions Equivalents Construction of Segregated Ballast Tanks Retention of cargo arrangements (slops) Cargo piping and pumping arrangements
What is a category X cargo and how can it be discharged?
Noxious liquid bulk cargo that presents a major hazard
Discharge prohibited
Requires 0.1% prewash
What is a category Y cargo and how can it be discharged?
Noxious liquid bulk cargo that presents a significant risk
Discharge is permitted in limited quantities
What is a category Z cargo and how can it be discharged?
Noxious liquid bulk cargo that presents a minor hazard
Less stringent restrictions apply
After pre-wash and survey, what criteria must be met in order to discharge remaining noxious liquid bulk residue over the side?
Must be outside of special area Must be over 12nm from land Must be doing more than 7 kts Depth if water Must be greater than 25m Discharge must be below the water line Record must be made in cargo record book
What certification must a vessel required to comply with annex 2 of marpol carry
Certificate of fitness to carry nox liquids in bulk
International Pollution Prevention Certificate for the carriage of noxious liquid substances in bulk
Cargo Record Book
How long is a cargo record book retained on board
3 years
Who issues a certificate of fitness for the carriage of noxious liquid in bulk.
Flag state
Who issues an IPPC for the carriage of noxious liquid substances in bulk
Flag state after initial survey
How long is an IPPC for the carriage of noxious liquid substances in bulk valid for?
5 years
What surveys is a IPPC for the carriage of noxious liquid substances in bulk subject to?
Annual and intermediate by flag state or delegated classification society
What special areas exist under Annex 2 of marpol
1 - Antarctica
Where would you find more information regarding the carriage of noxious liquid substances in bulk?
MARPOL annex 2
SOLAS ch 7
IBC Code Chapters 17&18
Where would you find more stringent requirements for carriage if dangerous goods in packaged form than MARPOL annex 3?
SOLAS ch 6&7
When carrying dangerous goods in packaged form, what must the vessel ensure?
Correct packaging, stowage and labelling
What certificate must a vessel hold in order to carry dangerous goods in packaged form
Dangerous Goods Document of Compliance (DGDOC)
When can dangerous goods in packaged form be discharged in accordance with MARPOL annex 3?
Only when it is necessary for the safety of the Ship or life at sea
Which vessels must comply with MARPOL Annex 4
All vessels over 400gt or with more than 15 persons aboard
What are the conditions for discharging sewage via an approved sewage treatment plant?
Must be flag state or class society approved
Test results must be available to a surveyor and on the ISPPC
ISPPC must be valid
When can you discharge sewage via an approved sewage treatment plant?
Anytime and anywhere provided that local laws do not prohibit it
What are the requirements for discharge of comminuted and disinfected sewage?
Must be a flag state or class society approved system Must have a temporary sewage stowage Must be en route at over 4kts Must be at least 3nm from land Must be no visual discolouration
What are the requirements for discharging raw, untreated sewage?
Must be at least 12 nm from land
Must be en route at at least 4kts
Rate of discharge must conform with IMO approved rates which are on the ISPPC
Must be no surface waste
What is an ISPPC
International sewage pollution prevention certificate
Who issues an ISPPC
Flag state or delegated to class society
How long is an ISPPC valid and when is it surveyed?
5 years, initial, renewal and after any major repair to sewage equipment
What special areas exist under annex 4 of marpol
None yet. Baltic sea expected to be a special area from 1 Jun 2023. Will prhibit passenger vessels from discharging raw sewage anywhere in the baltic sea