Exodus Flashcards
**When Studying the Jews being led out of bondage from the Egyptians and being led to the promised land, be sure and read 1 Nephi 17, where Nephi preaches to his rebellious brothers who don’t want him to help build a ship. Nephi talks a lot about the Jews being led by god in this chapter.
When do we think Moses lived?
We think sometime around 1500 BC. We can’t be exactly sure because chronologies vary considerably.
Old Testament made easier, part #1, p. 1
How old did Moses live to be?
120 years old and then he was translated. He was resurrected at the time of the Savior’s resurrection.
OT made easier, part #1, p. 2
How can Moses life be divided into categories?
- 40 years as a prince in Egypt.
- 40 years as a shepherd.
- 40 years as a prophet, leading the children of Israel from bondage.
OT made easier, part #1, p. 1
What books in the Old Testament did Moses write?
The first five
Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy
Old Testament made easier, part #2, p. 1
What did Moses call the name of the place that he smote the rock and water came out?
Exodus 17:6-7
“Behold, I will stand before thee there upon the rock in Horeb; and thou shalt smite the rock, and there shall come water out of it, and the people may drink. And Moses did so in the sight of the elders of Israel. And he called the name of the place Massah, and Meribah”
Camped in the hot, waterless wilderness of southern Palestine, the Israelites challenged Moses, saying, “Wherefore is this that thou hast brought us up out of Egypt, to kill us and our children and our cattle with thirst? (Exodus 17:3). This complaint may have been understandable except what had recently happened?
This incident occurred after the miraculous Passover, after the passage through the Red Sea dry shod, and after the outpouring of manna and quail from heaven.
What was the law of Moses?
The law of Moses was the lesser law given to the Israelite people because of their rejection of the fullness of the gospel. The law was spiritual and designed to help point the people to the future coming of Jesus Christ as their Savior. The law of Moses has strict laws and commands to teach the he people but still had many aspects of the gospel. Unfortunately, additional strict laws were added by Rabbi’s to the point that it became extremely rude some and spirituality was lost.
My own answer- needs checking