Exercises Flashcards
Leg Lifts/Changes
Exhale - lift leg
Inhale - touch toes down
Hundreds Prep
Exhale - lift chest and arms
Inhale - lower body
Leg Circles
Inhale - drop leg
Exhale circle up
Side Lifts
Exhale - lift legs
Inhale - lower legs
Double Leg Stretch
Inhale - shoot up and back
Exhale - circle back
Criss Cross
Exhale - rotate to bend knee
Inhale - cross centre and change legs
Inhale - shift legs to one side
Exhale - circle legs down and around
Cat Stretch
Exhale - extend in thoracic area
Inhale - flex in lumbar area
Front Support
Exhale - bend knee
Inhale - straighten
Back Support
Exhale - lift pelvis
Inhale - lower pelvis
Shoulder Bridge Prep
Exhale - lift one leg into table top
Inhale - lower leg
Side Kick
Exhale - Dorsi flex and swing forward
Inhale - plantar flex and swing backward
Leg Pull Front
Exhale - lift leg
Inhale - lower leg
Leg Pull Back
Exhale - Lift leg higher
Inhale - lower leg
Chest lift with Rotation
Exhale - as you rotate
Inhale - back to the centre