Exercises Flashcards
What is the starting position of the Back Splits?
Footbar > top position,
springs > 1-1.5
headrest > up
Face back carriage > lunge position > spine as neutral as possible.
Back leg > extended, laterally rotated
foot > flat on the corner of the footbar.
Front leg > bent, ball of the foot > crease of the headrest
Pelvis, rib cage and shoulders > square to the floor.
Arms > extended, hands > shoulder rests.
What is the exercise description for Back splits?
Inhale to prepare
Exhale > pelvis and upper body still, extend the front knee to straighten the leg, moving the carriage out
Inhale, flex the knee joint and return carriage to starting position
Body comes into an upright position with arm abducted to the side
What muscles are used during Back splits?
Pelvis and spine: Core muscles contract isometrically to stabilise
Upper: Medial deltoid and supraspinatus contract iso to hold shoulder joints in abducted position. Elbows contract iso to hold arms straight
Lower: Knee ext contract concentrically to extend knee joint, contract eccentrically to return.
What cues can you use for Back Splits?
Keep the pelvis low and square
The pelvis should stay the same height as the front leg moves
Keep spine lengthened
Keep hip, knee, and ankle joints aligned.
What muscles are used during kneeling shoulder extension?
Pelvis and spine:
Core muscles > iso > stabilise the pelvis and spine > vertically neutral position
Upper limb:
Posterior deltoid, lats, teres major and triceps > concentric > extend shoulder joint.
Contract eccentrically on the return
Lower limb:
Hip ext + quad > iso > hold in position
What is the focus and starting position for Control Back preparation?
Focus: Strengthen muscles surrounding the shoulder joint
Face footbar: carriage out
Pelvis + Spine: Vertical neutral
Legs: Extended, parallel, adducted
Feet: Arches > middle footbar
Hands: Shoulder rest with arms extended, fingers face forward
Shoulder girdle: stabilised
Ab and pelvic floor: engaged
What is the exercise description for control back prep?
Inhale to prepare
Exhale keep body still,
hyper extend shoulder joints
Press carriage back AFAP
Inhale, bring arms back to side of body
Muscles for Control back prep?
Pelvis and Spine: Core contracts ISO to stabilise
Upper limbs: Scapular and shoulder joint stabilisers contract iso hold shoulder girdle in correct position
Posterior deltoid, Lats, teres major, tricep > concentric > carriage out
Eccentric > carriage in
Cues for control back prep?
Stay wide in the chest
Keep shoulder girdle stabilised
Stay vertically neutral in pelvis
What is the starting position of Balance Control Front 1 + 2
Start in a plank position > face shoulder rests > carriage out
Pelvis/Spine: Neutral
Legs: Extended, parallel, abducted
Feet: Balls of feet of footbar
Arms/Hands: Extended onto shoulder rest
Ab/pelvic floor: Engaged
What muscles are used during Balance Control Front 1 + 2?
Pelvis and Spine: Abs/Hip Flexors, extensors > iso > hold pelvis and spine
Upper: Shoulder joint flexors contract concentrically to press the carriage out and then contract eccentrically on return
What is the focus of Bicycle exercise?
- Progression from supine leg press
- Requires coordination + concentration to stabilise pelvis
- Strengthens quads, glutes, hamstrings
What is the starting position of bicyle?
Start lying on your back onthe carriage - pelvis/spine neutral
Heel of the supporting foot >footbar > inline with hip joint > ankle flexed
Gesture leg > extended over the foot bar
Arms> beside the body
Shoulder girdle stabilised
Abs and pelvic floor are engaged
Whats the description of Bicycle?
Inhale prepare
Exhales extend hip + knee joints >carriage moves
Simultaneously flexing gesture leg to TT
Inhale, flex to return, simultaneously extend
Muscles of bicycle?
Pelvis + spine: Core contracts iso > stabilise
Lower Limbs: Supporting: Quads contract concentrically to extend knee joint
Glute max + hams contract concentrically > extend hip
- Contract eccentrically > return
Gesture: Hip flexors, quads > contract iso to hold hip joint flexed, knee joint extended.
What is the focus of Supine Shoulder Ext?
Hold shoulder girdle in a stable position > shoulder extensors strengthen in supine position
What is the starting position for Supine Shoulder ext?
Footbar: Top position
Springs: 2+
Starting position:
Lying supine on carriage> pelvis spine neutral
Hip + knee > flexed, adducted TT
Ankles: Plantar flexed
Arms: Extended, parallel, perpendicular to shoulder joints
Hands: Palms face forward, fingers extended
Shoulder girdle: stabilised
Abdominals + pelvic floor: engaged
Description of Supine Shoulder ext?
Inhale to prepare
Exhale > extended shoulder joints, pull hands down > carriage moves
Inhale > return
Muscles used for Supine Shoulder ext?
Pelvis Spine: Core muscles contract iso > stabilise
Upper Limbs: Posterior deltoid, Lats, teres major, triceps contract concentrically > extend shoulder joints
Contract eccentrically> return
Lower Limbs: Hip flexors contract isomatrically > hold hip joints, quads isometrically
What is the focus of Supine Shoulder Adduction?
Strengthen pectoralis major + lats in supported position
Maintaining stability of shoulder girdle
What is the starting position of Supine Shoulder Adduction?
Lying supine on carriage, pelvis/spine neutral
Hip and knee joints flexed, Legs adducted TT
Arms: Out wide to side, in line with shoulders
Palms: face towards body
Shoulder girdle: stabilised
Abs/Pelvic floor: engaged
What is the exercise description of Supine Shoulder Adduction?
Inhale to prepare
Exhale adduct arms towards bosy: carriage moves
Inhale return
Mucles used for Supine Shoulder Adduction?
Pelvis/Spine: Core contracts iso > stabilise pelvis and spine
Upper: Pec major, Lats, teres major,coracobrachialis > contracting concentrically > adduct
Eccentrically: return
What is the focus of Supine Arm circles?
Strengthen pectoralis major + lats, posterior delts, triceps in supported position
Maintaining stability of shoulder girdle
What is the starting position of Supine Arm circles?
Lying supine on carriage, pelvis/spine neutral
Hip and knee joints flexed, Legs adducted TT
Arms: Extended perpendicular to shoulder joints, hands in straps
Palms: face towards footbar
Shoulder girdle: stabilised
Abs/Pelvic floor: engaged
What is the exercise description of Supine Shoulder Adduction?
Inhale to prepare
Exhale: Pull the arms down towards the carriage > carriage moves out
Inhale: Abduct arms to side (T) > back to starting position
Muscles used in SS Adduction?
Pelvis/Spine: Contract isomentrically - stabilise neutral
Upper Limbs: Posterior delts, lats, teres major, tricep > contract concentrically > abduct arms out sides
Anterior delts, pec major, corabrachialis , bicep contract concentrically to horizontal adduct arms to starting position
Muscles used in Supine Tricep Press
Pelvis/Spine: contract isometrically to stabilise pelvis spine to neutral
Upper: Tricep brachii, anconeus contract concentrically to extend elbow joints, contract eccentrically return carriage
Focus Seated shoulder ext?
Strengthen Lat dorsi
Posterior deltoid
Triceps brachii
Muscles used for Seated shouldr ext?
Upper: Posterior delts, lats, teres major, tricep brachii > concentrically > extend shoulder joints, eccentrically return
What direction are you facing for Seated Shoulder Ext?
Back of carriage
Focus Seated bicep curl 1?
Strengthen elbow joint flexors
Shoulder girdle stability
What way do you face in Seated Bicep Curl 1?
Back of the carriage
Long box
Arms flexed shoulder height
What way do you face kneeling bicep curl?
Front of carriage
- Footbar down!
Seated Bicep Curl 2
Long box
Face front of carriage
hands in straps
Arms behind body to startb