Exercise 4: Routine Stool Examination Flashcards
It depends on the collection of the appropriate specimen, and their recovery and examination by suitable techniques
It requires adequate skills and expertise in recognizing the parasite in its various stages and its differentiation from morphologically similar artifacts
Rely on information that is submitted with the specimen as to the color and consistency of the specimen
Preserved samples in fixative
Check color and consistency; the first indication of GIT disturbances can be seen in changes in the brown color and consistency of the normal stool
Unpreserved/Fresh Stool
It is important to check this on the stool since it may indicate the condition of the patient
Color of the Stool
It indicated lower GIT bleeding, beets, tomatoes, and food coloring
Bright Red
it is the color of the stool due to stercobilin which is formed
from intestinal oxidation of stercobilinogen.
light-dark brown
The checking of color and consistency is skipped if the stool specimen is already in fixative. (T or F)
It is the color of the stool if there is upper GIT bleeding, iron therapy, antidiarrheal compounds (charcoal, bismuth)
Protozoan trophozoites are
generally observed in soft or liquid specimens. Must be observed (within 30 minutes of collection) of watery stool. (T or F)
Helminth eggs and larvae may be found in any type of stool specimen, although the chances of finding them in liquid stool are reduced by the dilution factor. (T or F)
Cysts are often found in formed or semi-formed specimens. (T or F)
Samples containing adult worms may be carefully washed through a ___________ allowing for the retrieval and examination of the parasites for identification purposes.
Wire Screen
____________ is the frequently performed chemical test on stool
specimens. It was originally used primarily to test suspected cases of gastrointestinal diseases, which may or may not be related to parasitic infection.
Fecal Occult Blood Testing (FOBT)
a very small amount of blood that is not visible to the
naked eye and is detected by chemical means only.
Occult Blood
Occult blood testing is based on the pseudo-peroxidase activity
of hemoglobin decomposing hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen (T or F)
________ is preferred for FOBT because it would detect clinically significant amounts of blood but would not react to the minimal amounts of blood present in some normal stool.
Arrange in Order:
- Allow the specimen to air-dry, then close the cover
- Wait for 30 seconds and read the results within 2 mins
- Using the Applicator stick, pick a small amount of fecal sample then apply a very thin in smear box 1
- Open the perforated window on the back of the slide
- Re-use the applicator stick to obtain a second sample from a different part of the fecal specimen.
- Apply 2 drops of Hema-screen developer to the back sides of boxes 1 and 2
3, 5, 1, 4, 6, 2
Trivia: Hema-Screen
Positive - Any trace of blue on or at the edge of the smear (mas blue mas malala)
Negative - No detectable blue on or at the edge of the smear
Avoid red meats, rare meats – a source of myoglobin and hemoglobin, horseradish, melons, cantaloupe, raw broccoli, cauliflower, and turnips 7 days prior to the examination to avoid false-positive results (T or F)
FALSE (3 Days)
Aspirin and other NSAIDs, and heavy alcohol consumption should not be taken for 3 days prior to specimen collection to prevent possible
gastrointestinal irritation that may cause false positives (T or F)
FALSE (7 Days)
Vitamin C (in excess of 250 mg/day) and other iron supplements containing Vitamin C should be avoided for 2 days prior to specimen collection because ascorbic acid is a strong reducing agent that will interfere with the peroxidase reaction (false-negative)
menstrual and hemorrhoid contamination causes false positive or false negative results?
It is the microscopic examination of a stool specimen is performed to detect ova and parasites
Ova and Parasite (O & P) Examination
. Routine stool O & P examination consists of
the following distinct techniques namely:
Routine stool O & P examination consists of
the following distinct techniques
Normal saline solution
Sodium chloride (NaCl) ………………………………………………. 0.85 gms
Distilled water…………………………………………………………… 100
SKL Bakit ba
- Lugol’s iodine (stock, 5% solution)
Iodine crystals…………………………………………………………. 5 gms
Potassium iodide……………………………………………………… 10 gms
Distilled water………………………………………………………….. 100 m
SKL ulit pagod na ako eh HAAHAHAH
Lugol’s iodine (1% solution for wet mounts)
1. Dilute a portion of the stock Lugol’s iodine solution 1:5 with distilled
water for routine use (working solution).
2. Place this working solution into a brown dropper bottle. The working
solution should resemble strong tea and should be discarded when it
lightens in color (usually within 10 to 14 days)
Additional infos nalang to
D Antoni’s iodine solution - an alternative for Lugol’s iodine solution
Potassium iodide (KI) …………………………………………… 1.0 gms
Iodine crystals ……………………………………………………… 1.5 gms
Distilled water …………………………………………………….. 100 ml
ito ren add info nalang hayszt
Batsa kapang gagawa ng solution, palang Grind, Store, Label
Gets? oo dapat lang
_________ is the simplest and most commonly utilized
method of examination and employed to demonstrate all morphologic forms of the parasite in stool: protozoan trophozoites and cysts, helminthic eggs and larvae
Saline mounts are particularly useful for detecting motile trophozoites (T or F)
Iodine, because it is a contrast dye, enhances the detail of protozoan cysts; however, it kills and distorts any trophozoites present and renders parasites nonmotile (T or F)
It is a method where you place about 50
mg stool (the size of two monggo beans) is placed on a slide and covered with a wettable cellophane strip soaked in a glycerol-malachite green solution
KTS is simple and economical and is therefore useful in a mass survey of stool for intestinal helminth eggs, including Schistosoma species. It is very good in detecting eggs with thick shells (e.g., Ascaris and Trichuris) but not eggs with thin shells (e.g., hookworm). Usefulness is limited if stools are diarrheic or watery. This method is not useful for the diagnosis of protozoa or helminth larvae (T or F)