Exercise 2 - Oogenesis Flashcards
Oogenesis general:
Oogenesis begins with the female germ cell, the _____
Oogenesis general:
Oogonia rapidly divide by mitosis to produce ____. Once a female animal is born, these are arrested at _____ and cannot ovulate until sexually mature
Primary oocyte
Prophase I
Oogenesis general:
Primary oocytes are characterized by a large _____ (nucleus) with a ____ (nucleolus) in the _____ (cytoplasm) and bound by the _____ (plasma membrane)
Germinal vesicle (nucleus)
Germinal spot (Nucleolus)
Ooplasm (cytoplasm)
Oolemma (plasma membrane)
Oogenesis general:
Primary oocytes divides by ____ to produce a secondary oocyte and a ____ which houses the extra set of maternal chromosomes
The secondary oocyte then goes through ____ to produce a large ____ with a female ____ (female haploid nucleus) and the small ____
Meiosis I
Polar body
Meiosis II
Mature ovum
Second polar body
Oogenesis general:
Some mammals like rodents and dogs exhibit a ____ cycle (heat) while others exhibit a ____ cycle
(1) they release mature female gamete
(2) and prepare the ____ (uterine lining) for possible pregnancy
Ovarian anatomy:
Ovary is located within the ____. The left ovary functions in birds andright ovary functions in bats and sharks
Ovarian anatomy:
Mammalian ovaries have a narrow end called ____. The _____ holds the ovaries in place in the body cavity through a round ligament and broad ligament. Closely associated with the mammalian ovary is the ____ (fallopian tube).
Ovarian anatomy:
The ovulated oocyte is picked up by the ____ (open end of the oviduc, and travels through the _____ (distal region) and then the ___ and ___ before entering the ____
Ovarian histology:
Two types of classification for vertebrate ovaries:
Compact type
Saccular type
Ovarian histology:
Compact type ovary major zones (2)
____ Where oogenesis occus
____ made for fibrous loose connective tissue
Outer cellular cortex
Inner medulla
Ovarian histology:
Connective tissue layer ____ surrounds the ovarian cortex
____ covers the entire vertebrate ovary and is continuous with the mesovarium
Tunica albuginea
Germinal epithelium
The ____ attaches the ovaries to the body wall which covers each ovary as the ____.
The ovarian oocytes are surrounded by inner follicle cells which form the ____.
Theca externa
Theca interna
Oocytes are arrested in meiotic prophase for a long period ____ in Rana pipiens as it grows
THe ___ stockipiles materials for embryogenesis.
3 years
Germinal vesicle
The diplotene germinal vesicle is characterized by ____ active in transcription and multiple nucleoli involved in ribosome synthesis
Lampbrush chromosome
Yolk is made by the liver and stored in the ____ as yolk platelets in a process called ____.
Some oocytes are pigmented at one end and ____ are visible within the ovarian lumen
pigment masses
Primary oocytes incease in size about one thousand fold. Resume meiosis and arrest at ___ of second meiosis.
Soon they are ovulated into the ___ where ciliary movements of the coelom wall move secondary oocytes to the ____ of the ____.
While doing so ____ that function to protect the ocoyte and developing embryo from mechanical injury and infelction are added to aid fertilization.
They are then released into the ____ (uterus) for about one day until release through oviposition
Jelly layer
The ____ encolses the ___ of the mammalian ovary, which surrounds the deeper ____.
tunica albuginea
The oocyte is surrounded by a layer of granulosa cells called the _____
Which become surrounded by an outer layer of theca cells called ____
stratum granulosum
theca folliculi
During estrus or menstrual cycle, follicles is stimulated to grow but only one become mature, the rest become ___ and degenerate
As follicle matures, the oocyte is surrounded by ____ which is surrounded by granulosa cells calledd ____ (____) of the ____ which remain attached to the zona pellucida during ovulation
zona pellucida
cumulus cell (corona radiata)
cumulus oophorus
The freshly ovulated oocyte and surroundign cumulus cells is called the ____
After ovulation, follicular cells (from the ovulated follicle) that remain in the ovary become a _____ which secretes progesterone and estrogen to maintian the ovary in case pregnancy occurs
If it dies it becomes a ____
Cumulus oocyte-complex
corpus luteum
corpus albicans
Major structures:
_____ primary oocyte surrounded by one layer of flattened follicular (epithelial) cells called granulosa cells; no antrum
_____ primary oocyte surrounded by one or more layers of cuboidal granulosa cells no antrum
_____ primary oocyte surrounded by many granuklosa cell layers that are surrounded by layers of theca cells derivedd from the ovarian stroma; antrum is forming
____ Secondary oocyte surrounded by corona radiata and many cumulus cells; follicle wall is multilayered with granulosa and theca cells; large antrum is present
____ Degenerating follicle with an antrum; numerous dying cells with dark, pycnotic nuclei present
primordial (immature) follicle
Primary (growing) follicle
Secondary follicle
Graafian (preovulatory or mature) follicle
Atreitic follicle
Major structures:
_____ formed from follicular cells remaining in the ovary after ovulation; becomes a major endocrine organ.
____ remains of the no longer functioning corpus luteum
____ connective tissue cells found between follicles and corpora lutea
____ Thin, dense irregular connective tissue sheath surrounding the ovarian contex
____ simple cuboidal epithelium covering the thunica aluginea. It is the external surface of the ovary
Corpus luteum
Corpus albicans
Stroma cells
Tunica albuginea
Germinal epithelium