Exercices - 0.2 Flashcards
Thank you so much for your help!
Hvala ti mnogo za pomoć!
The kitchen is near the door.
Kuhinja je blizu vrata.
The toilet is near the kitchen.
Toalet je blizu kuhinje.
His house is near my house.
Njegova kuća je blizu moje kuće.
Turn left here and then go straight
Skrenite levo ovde, a onda idite pravo.
When will you visit me?
Kad ćeš me posetiti?
The window is behind you.
Prozor je iza tebe.
Wake up!
Probudi se!
It’s time to sleep.
Vreme je za spavanje.
It’s late.
Kasno je.
Talk slower, please.
Pričaj sporije, molim te.
Could you speak slower?
Možeš li da govoriš sporije?
It’s so cold outside!
Baš je hladno napolju!
We need to buy milk.
Treba da kupimo mleko.
Whenever you want.
Kad god želiš.
These cookies are for you.
Ovi kolačići su za tebe.
It’s so high, I can’t reach it.
Baš je visoko, ne mogu da ga dohvatim.
You are late for work.
Kasniš na posao.
I didn’t believe that.
Nisam verovala u to.
Do you run in the evening, too?
Da li trčiš uveče takođe?