Exercices - 0.1 Flashcards
My sister is learning in the room
Moja sestra uči u sobi
I’m so happy!
Baš sam srećan!
Why do you ask?
Zašto pitaš?
Do you understand him? Yes, I understand him
Da li ga razumeš? - Da, razumem ga
I miss you
Nedostaješ mi
What time will you arrive?
U koje vreme ćeš doći?
What languages do you speak?
Koje jezike govoriš?
Which language is that?
Koji je to jezik?
What color is this?
Koja je to boja?
Ok. Do you want some juice?
Ok. Želiš li malo soka?
My mother is preparing food for breakfast.
Moja majka sprema hranu za doručak.
The color of that house is white.
Ta kuća je bele boje.
You can lay down and sleep.
Možeš da legneš i spavaš.
I have a small dog.
Imam malog psa.
I like blue because it is the color of the sky.
Volim plavu jer je to boja neba.
You must sleep now
Morate spavati sada
My friend has two dogs.
Moj prijatelj ima dva psa.
Are you sleepy?
Da li si pospan?
Yes, I’m tired.
Da, umoran sam.
I am washing the dishes.
Perem sudove.