Executive functioning Flashcards
What brain regions are important for EF?
Prefrontal cortex, basal ganglia, working memory
What are symptoms of the behavioural side of dysexecutive disorder?
Hyper/hypoactivity, stereotyped perseverative behaviour, social behaviour disorder
What are symptoms of the cognitive side of dysexecutive disorder?
Problems in action initation, planning, sustained attention, set shifiting, rules/concept generation, set shifting, TOM
Waar heeft frontal syndrome last van
WM memory problems (phonological loop en central executive) en episodisch geheugen
emotion regulation
Frontal pole
sensory, cognitive
Wat zijn de 3 anterior attentional processes van Stuss?
Energization, task setting en monitoring
Welk hersendeel energization?
Superior medial
Welk hersendeel task setting?
Left lateral
Welk hersendeel monitoring?
Right lateral
Name the principles of EF
- Function and structure are two different levels of explanation
- Small changes in executive task format can lead to big differences in results
- Variability and inconsistency between and within patients
are common - Executief systeem bevat subsystemen, daarom meerdere tests
- Meet executieve processen in in wilde variëteit daily life activitites
- Tests die naturalistic setting faken zijn handig
- Als ze geen tekorten hebben op EF testen, dan hoeft dit niet te betekenen dat ze geen probleem hebben.