Excretery system Flashcards
What does excretion mean?
Getting rid of waste materials
What waste materials are in excretion?
Waste materials which have not been part of the body
Why are faeces not excretion?
As it’s been in our digestive system
What is in excretion?
Carbon dioxide
Where does the protein go?
In the blood
Where does the blood with the proteins go?
The blood goes to the liver
Where does the blood with the proteins go?
The blood goes to the liver
What does the liver do?
It changes that particles into urea
What thing removes the blood from the urea?
The kidneys
What is the other name for the excretory system
Renal system
What does Renal mean?
To do with the kidneys.
What is urine?
When the kidneys filter the blood they also remove the excess water. The urea is then dissolved into the water and the remaining mixture is called urine.
What is a ureter?
The tube which goes from the kidneys to the bladder
What is a bladder?
It is the place that the urine is held before the time is right.
What is the urethra
another tube that comes after the bladder.