Excel Test 1 Flashcards
a grouping of text and numbers in a rectangular grid or table
Backstage view
the File tab of the ribbon, contains various screens with commands that allow you to manage files and options for the Excel
a preformatted workbook with many design features and some content already filled in
Getting help- what button
if you are unsure about a function, press the F1 key
Go to - button
Save the current workbook with a new name - button
New workbook - button
Ctrl + N
Repeat the last action
Ctrl + Y
Ctrl + Z
Ctrl + S
Screen tip
a label that appears next to an object, providing information about that object or giving a link to associated help topic
Chart sheet
a sheet that contains only a chart that is linked to data within the workbook
Cell reference
indicates the column and row in which the cell is located
you can include a ____ sheet that contains a description of the workbook, etc.
Shortcut to move up one row
Shift + Enter
Range reference
includes the cell reference of the upper-left cell of the rectangular block and the cell reference of the lower right cell separated by a colon
How do you rename a Sheet tab at the bottom of the Excel window
double click (or right click) the Sheet1 tab to select the text of the sheet name
text data
any combination of letters, numbers, and symbols
numeric data
any number that can be used in a mathematical operation
Text is ___ aligned
left aligned. includes postal codes
Values/numbers, dates, and times, are _____ aligned
Edit mode
if you want to replace only part of a cell’s content, you can switch to Edit Mode to make the changes directly in the cell. Double click cell
a postal code is ____
text. begin with apostrophe ‘
displays text that begins with same letters as previous entry in same column to make entering repetitive text easier and reduce data entry errors
Shortcut to wrap text
Alt + Enter
What button do you press to select non-adjacent text
Numeric data
any number that can be used in a math calculation. commonly recognized formats for date and time values.
Button to edit data
F2 or double click
when you type Jan and computer automatically fills in remainder of January
What color is triangle for zipcode
How many views in Excel
=SUM(A1:A10) named operation that replaces arithmetic expression
=A1+A2 - mathematical expression
Arithmetic operators
Addition, =B1+B2+B3, - / * exponents
A ____ is a named operation that replaces action of arithmetic expression
function (avg, max, min, count, sum)
Page Break Preview
shows location of page breaks in the printed worksheet
Page Layout View
shows how the worksheet will appear when printed
The order of operations
set of predefined rules - the sequence in which operators are applied in a calculation
temporary storage location for text and graphics
drag and drop
select text and drag the text to a new location - dra by its bottom border to new location
removes the data from the selected cells, leaving those cells blank but preserving the current worksheet structure
enhances the appearance of the worksheet data by changing its font, size, color, or alignment
resizes the worksheet to fit within a single page or set of pages
the button that inserts functions (sum,avg,max,etc)
aline you can add along an edge of cell that prints
intersection of a row and a column
cell range
group of cells in rectangular block
cell reference
the column and row location that identifies a cell within a worksheet
*chart sheet
a sheet that contains only a chart that provides visual representation of worksheet data
column headings
the letters along the top of the worksheet window that identify the different columns in the worksheet
flash fill
the feature that enters text based on patterns it finds in the data
formula bar
bar located below the ribbon that displays value or formula entered in active cell
name box
box located at left side of formula bar that displays cell reference of active cell
normal view
the Excel view that shows the contents of the active sheet in the workbook window
a mathematical symbol used in formula to combine diff values, resulting in single value displayed in cell
row headings
the numbers along the left side of the workbook window that identify the diff rows of ws
the main set of commands organized into tabs and groups with buttons that you click to execute commands
to change size of worksheet on printed page
a box with descriptive text about a command that appears when you point to a button the ribbon - tip
sheet tab
the area at the bottom of ws that identifies the sheet by name
a set of rules that specifies how a function should be written