Exams Flashcards
Peripheral CV
Gen obs incl vitals
Inspect: VULCER + ALI signs + Charcot foot
Palpate: cap refill, temp, oedema, SENSATION, pulses (incl radiofemoral)
Ausc: femoral, abdominal, renal
Special tests: Buerger’s, Trendelenberg’s, Perthes; ABI, motor, reflexes
Ears: inspection, palpation, auroscopy, hearing
Nose: inspection, palpation (tenderness, swelling)
Throat: inspection, palpation (tongue, salivary glands, cervical LN)
Inspection: ptosis, sclerae, exophthalmos, corneal ulceration
Colour vision
Fundoscopy: ideally dilate; medium light, red reflex, find retina, find optic disc
Palpate orbits: tenderness
Preauricular node
Neuro CN
Smell Visual acuity, fields, fundoscopy Pupils, eye movements Corneal reflex Facial sensation Muscles: mastication, facial expression (incl Bell's phenomenon) Hearing (inspect, 68, 100, Rinne's) Hallpike manouevre Palate, pseudogag, speech/cough, swallow water Tongue Neck mm
Neuro UL
Observation Shake hands Inspection Palpation Tone Power: incl ulnar and median nerve Reflexes Coordination: finger-nose, dysdiadochokinesis, rebound Sensory Other: nerve specific, other neuro areas
Neuro LL
?Gait, Romberg’s
Tone (incl clonus), power, reflexes, coordination
Sensory incl saddle anaesthesia, anal reflex
BACK: deformity, tenderness, SLR
Face: nystagmus, British constitution, UL: finger-nose, dysdiadochokinesis, rebound LL: heel-shin, toe-finger, foot tapping THEN trunk: sit up with your arms crossed pendular knee jerks gait incl heel-toe
- CN
- fundi
- Romberg’s
Look at all the skin, starting at the hands, going up to the head (AND NECK), trunk, legs, feet
on the way:
- nails
- hair and scalp
- eyebrows
- between the toes
- LN
- CV + neuro
Neuro Speech
Handedness and orientation
Free speech: describe my shirt
Comprehension: without language (following three/two step instructions)
Nominal speech
Repetition: no ifs, ands or buts
Cerebellar: dysarthria first (ppp, ttt, kkk) then the phrases
Central CV
Inspection: rheum things that predispose, dyspnoea
Hands: nails (clubbing, cap refill), xanthomata, pulse (incl radioradial, radiofemoral)
Face: eyes, malar flush, mouth (cyanosis, dentition)
Neck: JVP and carotids
Prae: inspect, palpate, auscultate (incl dynamic manouevres)
Back: inspect, peripheral oedema, percuss for pleural effusion, ausc for LVF
Abdo: organomegaly/pulsatility, ascites, femoral arteries
Other: legs, urinalysis, fundi, temp (….all IE?!)
Gen obs
Hands: ?intrinsic wasting + wrist tenderness, asterixis
Face: ?horner’s, hoarseness, Pemberton’s sign
Chest: don’t forget cervical LN
Prae: resp and CV
Other: forced expiratory time, lower limb oedema/cyanosis, breasts?
Gen obs
Hands: liver (incl clubbing), palmar, asterixis
Arms: bruising, excor
Face: eyes, mouth (infection, deficiencies + fetor), parotidomegaly
Prae: veins, gynaecomastia
Abdo: inspect, AUSC, palpate, percuss (liver, spleen) incl shifting dullness
Groin: LN, ?hernia
Lower legs: oedema
position (L lateral with knees up)
inspect incl when straining
palpate: saddle anaesthesia, wink reflex, anal tone; feel anteriorly and get them to strain (?rectocoele), go in deep and then slowly withdraw, get them to squeeze as you withdraw
Gen obs
Hands: clubbing, leukonychia, koilonychia, Muerke’s lines, palmar erythema/crease pallor
Arms: asterixis, bruising, acanthosis nigricans
Face: eyes, parotidomegaly, tongue (deficiency), fetor
L supraclavicular node
Prae: veins, gynaecomastia
Abdo: caput medusae, tenderness, organomegaly (?pulsatile), ascites
Legs: oedema
Goals: look for
1) medical consequences: AEIOU (mostly anaemia, fluid overload and uraemia)
2) medical treatments: AV fistula, vascath, transplant
3) potential ~causes: prostate, urinalysis, BP, fundoscopy
Gen obs: uraemic tinge, wasting, unwell
VITALS: BP (sitting, standing)
Hands: leukonychia, pallor
Arm: FISTULA, asterixis, excoriations, bruising, myopathy
Face: pallor, rash
Neck: JVP, carotid bruit, vascath/scar
Abdo: inspect (scar), palpate (incl ballot kidneys, feel in pelvis for third kidney, bladder), ascites, LN
PR: prostate
Chest, lower legs, back (nephrectomy scar, oedema)
Urinalysis, fundoscopy