examples of the executive branch Flashcards
Example of a president proposing Legislation
`His yearly Budget
How many pardons did Obama use
What was Obamas popular vote percent in 2008
Example of electoral mandate not working
President Obama won a large victory in the 2008 election, but after the 2010 midterms, lots of legislation was blocked by the House of Representatives in Congress, where the opposition Republican party had a majority.
Example of an executive order
President Trump used an executive order to ban immigrants from certain majority-Muslim countries in 2017.
Example of a national event helping the president
President Bush gained lots of support after the 9/11 terrorist attacks and had the power to begin his war on terror.
Example of a national event helping the president
President Bush gained lots of support after the 9/11 terrorist attacks and had the power to begin his war on terror.
Example of the separation of powers working
John Kerry resigned from the Senate when appointed as Secretary of State by President Obama in 2013.
example of the presidents power to deal make
Trump made bipartisan deals to pass the first step act 2018
Example of a president setting an agenda
In 2020 trump called covid the “Chinese Virus” and blamed the Chinese government for the pandemic.
Example of the president being a world leader
after 9/11 bush led an international coalition for the “War on terror”
2 examples of executive orders
Obama - Increasing the federal minimum wage and outlawing same - sex marriages in insurance companies
Bush - Used them to authorise anti - terror measures after 9/11
Example of the president being chief executive
He “makes” and sends in the budget
Example of a presidential veto
Trump vetoed 2 bills in feb 2019 which would of stopped his advnace to build a wall on the south border
Example of a president using their power to pardon
Clinton pardoned 140 people on the last day of his presidency.
example of the president not asking congress before going to war
Bush’s invasion of afghanistan (2001)
Obamas military actions in libya (2011)
Example of an implied power
in the second ww after pearl harbour roosevelt ordeded japanese americans to go into camps until the end of the war.
example of congress rejecting presidential legislation
In 2012 congress rejected bringing in gun control laws
Example of congress overriding a presidential veto
Trumps annual budget was rejected even though they had a majority in the senate
Example of congress rejecting a presidential appointment
in 2016 the republican senate didn’t allow Obama’s nominee for the supreme court in merrick garland and waited until trump got elected in 2017 to appoint neil gorsuch
Example of impeachment
Trump was impeached in 2019 and 2021 but survived due to the republican senate.
example of judicial review used on the president
When courts stopped trumps 2017 muslim travel ban
Example of emergency powers
Roosevelt’s holocaust of the japanese
Obama didn’t close guantanamo Bay
Trump declared a national emergency in march 2020 because of covid