Examples Flashcards
fossa linguae
pit of the tounge
valva aortae
valve of the aorta, aortic valve
raphe medullae
raphe of the medulla
vena palpebrae
vein of the eyelid
spina scapulae
spine of the shoulder blade
crista nuchae
crest of the nape
lamina vertebrae
plate of the vertebra
fovea retinae
pit of the retina
fascia caudae
fascia of the tail
incisura mandibulae
incisure of the lower jaw
carina tracheae
carina of the windpipe
causa pneumoniae
cause of the inflammation of the lung
fossa vesicae (fellae)
pit of the (gall)bladder
fractura claviculae et ulnae
fracture of the clavicle and ulna
concha auriculae
concha of the auricle
therapia anaemiae
theraphy of the anaemia
fossa urethrae
pit of the urethra
ruptura membranarum
rupture of the membranes
haemorrhagia arteriae
haemorrhage of the artery
therapia acnes
theraphy of the acne
causa dyspnoes et ascitae
cause of difficult breathing and ascites
arteria + lingua = arteria linguae
artery of the tounge
tunica + vesica = tunica vesicae
layer of the bladder
glandulae + cauda = glandulae caudae
glands of the tail
rima + palpebrae = rima palpebrarum
rima of the eyelids
insufficientia + valvulae + aorta = insufficientia valvularum aortae
insufficiency of valvulae of the aorta
fractura + spina + scapule = fractura spinae scapulae
fracture of the spine of the shoulder
ampulla tubae
ampulla of the tube
plicae tunicae vesicae
folds of the membrane of the bladder
fractura fibulae et tibiae
fracture of the calf bone and shin bone
therapia diabetae et diarrhoes
theraphy of diabetes and diarrhoe
systole et diastole
systole and diastole
linea nuchae
the nuchal line
plica tunicae -> plicae tunicae
folds of the layer
glandula vesicae -> glandulae vesicae
glands of the bladder
vena linguae -> venae linguae
veins of the tounge
fractura costae et vertebrae -> fracturae costarum et vertebrarum
fractures of the ribs and vertebras
massa pilulae -> massa pilularum
mass of the pilules
bursa et vagina -> bursae et vaginae
bursae and sheaths
rupture of the valve of the aorta
ruptura valvae aortae
fold of the vein
plica venae
artery of the eyelid
ateria palpebrae
crest of the rib
crista costae
fracture of the lower and upper jaw
fracturae mandibulae et maxillae
bulbus oculi
the eyeball
membrana tympani
the tympanic membrane
crista vestibuli
the vestibular crest
vena profunda brachii
deep brachial vein
pericardium fibrosum
the fibrous pericardium
organa oculi accessoria
accessory organs of the eye
collum mandibulae
the mandibular neck
nervus opthalmicus
the opthalmic nerve
arteria circumflexa scapulae
the circumflex scapular artery
vena thoracica interna
the internal thoracic vein
sutura palatina mediana
the median palatine suture
membrum thoracicum
the thoracic limb
tunica fibrosa bulbi
the fibrous tunic of the eyeball
tentorium cerebelli osseum
the osseous cerebellar tentorium
glandula zygomatica
the zygomatic gland
raphe palati
the palatine raphe
dorsum linguae
the back of the tounge
ostium venae cavae
opening of the vena cava
capitulum humeri
the small head of the upper arm
tuberculum costae
costal tubercle
fossa olecrani
olecranon fossa
ligamentum latum uteri
the broad ligament of the uterus
vaginae fibrosae digitorum
fibrous sheats of the digits
ramus circumflexus fibulae
the circumflex fibular branch
tunica mucosa vesicae felleae
mucuous membrane of the gallbladder