Example Case Stuides Flashcards
Annalise is 22 months and not yet walking. Her mother is also not sure why her attention span is short and quick to tantrum. Her day care teacher thinks she is frustrated with her lack of mobiliyt. Her mother reports that she is using words and even says short sentences. What two EI professionals would be the best choice for the MDE team?
- Physical Therapist (Specialist)
- Special Educator (Generalist
Taryn has reciever her daughters MDE evaluation. The report states that her daughter Devon received a standard score of 2 standard deviations below the mean in BOTH receptive and expressive langague development. Based on eligibility criteria from NYS Devon
- is eligible
- informed clinical opinion
What is missing from this outcome measure?
John will use a two-word phrase to tell his parents whe he wants to eat duing snack time.
Missing: Criteria for acheivement
John will use a two-word phrase to tell him parents what he wants to eat during snack time over a 14 day period.
Aya presents wtih a 33% expressive langauge delay and is 18 months old. Her receptive langauge and play skills are within normal limits. She uses jargon and a few single words. What is the most appropriate recommendation for Aya?
- NOT eligible for EI: Aya needs to have a 33% delay in more than one area
33% expressive langauge delay and 25% motor skills
- Eligible
Ella is a 19 month old young girl who is brought to your office for an early intervention multidisciplinary evaluation by her parents. Her parents state in a case history that Ella has only a few sounds and no true words, although she does follows simple routine commands. Her parents report that she loves to play in the bathtub and will often put the “duck in the cup” when asked, but if she is asked to “go get her shoes”, she struggles more with this task. At her 18-month well-child visit, the pediatrician was also concerned about motor milestones as she stands but continues to be unstable and is uncertain to walk with support of a family members hand.
What 2 evaluations should be done in the MDE?
Motor: Physical Therapy
Communcation: SLP
Functional Goals Examples
- Ella will produce name familiar family members (mama, dada, joey) 5 times a day so that she can gain family members attention.
- Ella will begin walking with the help of her caregiver in the playroom after playing with toys 3 times a day so that she can increase stability.