Examn 2 Flashcards
What is the Cardiogenic shock ?
Cardiogenic shock is an extreme degree of left ventricular failure, characterized by a sharp decrease in myocardial contractility ,which is not compensated by an increase in vascular resistance and leads to inadequate blood supply to all organs and tissues, primarily vital organs
Etiology of Cardiogenic shock ?
-extensive myocardial infarction
- Severe, acute onset aortic or mitral stenosis
- Severe, acute onset aortic or mitral insufficiency
- Rupture of the interventricular septum
Pathogenesis of Cardiogenic shock?
1) Activation of the sympathetic nervous system
2) fluid retention
3) Increased peripheral vascular resistance
4)Violation of diastolic relaxation of the left ventricle of the myocardium
5) Metabolic acidosis.
Clinic feature of Cardiogenic shock?
1) A sharp drop in blood pressure (SBP <80-90 mm Hg); 2) The characteristic appearance of the patient:
- pointed facial features,
-very pale skin,
- cyanosis is possible,
- a spotty-marble pattern appears on the skin;
3) Cold clammy sweat;
4) Rapid breathing, wet fine bubbling rales are heard;
5) Frequent, poorly palpable pulse, deaf heart sounds;
6) Oliguria or anuria;
7) Possible loss of consciousness or pulmonary edema.
Cardiogenic shock: emergency care, special events (?)
1) Give the patient a horizontal position - in the absence of signs of congestive heart failure (shortness of breath, moist wheezing in the back of the lungs)
2) Oxygen therapy - oxygen mask;
3) Restoration of optimal BCC - intravenous fluid infusion under the control of blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate - about, 9% NaCl solution up to 200 ml in 10 minutes, stop when the SBP reaches 100 mm Hg. or signs of lung congestion (wheezing)
The introduction of narcotic analgesics in Cardiogenic shock patient ?
• 1% solution of mesaton intravenously. At the same time, cordiamine, 10% caffeine solution, or 5% ephedrine solution is injected intramuscularly or subcutaneously. These drugs can be re-administered every 2 hours.
• Sufficiently effective remedy - intravenous drip long-term infusion of 0.2% norepinephrine solution.
• Intravenous drip of hydrocortisone, prednisolone or urbazone.
• It is possible to relieve pain attacks with nitrous oxide.
• Oxygen therapy;
• With bradycardia, heart block, atropine, ephedrine are administered;
• With ventricular extrasystole - intravenous drip of 1% lidocaine solution;
What is the Chronic heart failure?
Chronic heart failure (CHF) is a pathological condition in which the work of the cardiovascular system does not provide the body’s oxygen needs, first during physical exertion, and then at rest.
Pathogenesis of Chronic heart failure?
Pathogenesis consists in a violation of the pumping function of the heart.
-This leads to a decrease in cardiac output. As a result, hypoperfusion of organs and tissues develops.
- The most important is the decrease in perfusion of the heart, kidneys, peripheral muscles.
-Reduction of blood supply to the heart and the development of its insufficiency lead to activation of the sympathetic-adrenal system and an increase in the heart rate.
-Reduction of renal perfusion causes stimulation of the renin-angiotensin system
What is the Acute heart failure ?
Acute heart failure is a sudden decrease in the contractile function of the heart, which leads to impaired circulation in the pulmonary and systemic circulation. It is left ventricular and right ventricular.
What is the Left ventricular heart failure ?
Left ventricular heart failure is an acute decrease in the contractile function of the left ventricle and the resulting pulmonary edema, characterized by the accumulation of fluid in their interstitium with its subsequent effusion into the alveoli
Etiology of acute left ventricular failure
- severe myocarditis
- acute myocardial infarction, - severe hypertension,
- mitral stenosis,
-aortic heart disease, - cardiomyopathy,
- extremely high physical activity,
- intravenous infusion of excessive amounts of fluid.
Development mechanism of acute left ventricular failure ?
According to Sterling’s equation, normally the difference between the hydrostatic pressure in the pulmonary capillaries and the interstitium is balanced by the difference in oncotic pressure, which keeps the fluid in the vascular bed. With an increase in the hydrostatic capillaries in the pulmonary capillaries or a decrease in oncotic pressure, an increase in the permeability of the alveolocapillary membrane or difficulty in lymphatic drainage, fluid accumulates in the lungs.
The inability of the left ventricle to pump blood coming to it leads to a violation of hydrostatic pressure, first in the pulmonary veins, then in the arteries
Clinic features of acute left ventricular failure?
1) An attack of cardiac asthma occurs, as a rule, at night: suffocation, dry cough appears. 2) Patients occupy a forced position with a raised head end or sitting on a bed with lowered
3) There is a pallor of the skin with a cyanotic shade,
4) breathing is rigid vesicular, dry wheezing may appear.
5) If cardiac asthma is complicated by pulmonary edema, then the patient’s condition
becomes more severe, suffocation increases, a cough with foamy pink (bloody) sputum appears,
Urgent Care of acute left ventricular failure
1) Calm down the patient, create mental and physical peace,
2) give the patient an elevated position of the head end
3) Oxygen therapy,
4 ) To suppress the function of the respiratory center - in / in 1 ml of 1% morphine solution
5 Peripheral vasodilation with normal or elevated SBP - nitroglycerin - i.v. bolus 10-20 mcg
6 ) Constant monitoring of pulse, heart rate, blood pressure BH, urine output
What is the cardiac asthma, pulmonary edema ?
an acute decrease in the contractile function of the left ventricle and the resulting pulmonary edema, characterized by the accumulation of fluid in their interstitium with its subsequent effusion into the alveoli
Acute right ventricular failure (acute cor pulmonale) ?
characterized by acute expansion of the heart and pulmonary artery, severe hypertension in them, decreased contractile function of the right heart, impaired diffusion of gases in the lungs and hypoxemia, stagnation in the systemic circulation.
There are three stages in the development of chronic cor pulmonale?
Stage 1 (preclinical) - characterized by transient pulmonary hypertension with signs of intense activity of the right ventricle, which are detected only during instrumental examination.
Stage II - is determined by the presence of signs of right ventricular hypertrophy and stable pulmonary hypertension in the absence of circulatory failure
Stage III, or stage of decompensated cor pulmonale (synonym: pulmonary heart failure), occurs from the time the first symptoms of right ventricular failure appear.
Etiology of right ventricular failure ?
- also after fatty and air embolism of the pulmonary artery,
- a prolonged attack of bronchial asthma,
- spontaneous pneumothorax,
- rapid and significant accumulation of fluid in the pleural cavity, - extensive acute pneumonia,
- massive lung atelectasis,
- myocardial infarction with localization in the right ventricle,
- the interventricular septum or both ventricles,
- breakthrough of the aortic aneurysm into the pulmonary artery.
التهاب الرئه
Pathogenesis of acute right ventricular failure ?
• an increase in pressure in the pulmonary circulation leads to the rapid development of pulmonary hypertension (PH), followed by a high load on the pancreas,
• a decrease in blood flow to the LV contributes to a decrease in LV ejection (with a subsequent decrease in coronary circulation) and an increased load on the RV,
• pronounced bronchospasm is formed (reflex, as in pulmonary embolism), which leads to a decrease in ventilation in the lungs and an increase in blood shunting
Clinical feature of acute right ventricular failure ?
1) sudden onset of shortness of breath.
2) Sharp dagger pain behind the sternum, as in myocardial infarction.
3) Hemoptysis and chest pain as signs of the development of a pulmonary infarction appear at first rarely.
4) Dizziness, nausea, vomiting, loss of consciousness, convulsions are signs of circulatory hypoxia of the brain and, in general, are not pathognomonic for PE.
5) An objective examination often reveals signs of cardiogenic shock with a decrease in blood pressure, symptoms of peripheral tissue hypoperfusion, cyanosis,
6) swelling of the cervical veins (increased venous pressure), possibly rapid swelling and soreness of the liver, increased pulsation in the second and third intercostal space on the left.
Urgent Care of acute right ventricular failure?
Cardiac glycosides (0.3-0.5-0.7 ml of 0.05% solution of strophanthin, 1 ml of 0.06% solution of korglikon, 1 ml of 0.25% solution of digoxin), fast-acting diuretics: furosemide ( 40-80 mg), uregit (50 mg); complex treatment of the underlying disease.
The patient is hospitalized in a specialized hospital, in case of pulmonary embolism - in a medical institution with a vascular surgery department and a therapeutic intensive care unit
ectopic focus
مصطلح يُشير لمجموعة من الخلايا المثارة والتي تتسبب في إحداث ضربات قلبية سابقة لأوانها خارجة عن نطاق الضربات الطبيعية التي تنظمها العقدة الجيبية الأذينية.
فرط انتاج البول
What is the Paroxysmal tachycardia?
Paroxysmal tachycardia is a sudden onset and abruptly ending attack of a rapid heartbeat, characterized by the presence of 5 or more extrasystoles, following one after another with a heart rate of 140 to 220 or more per minute, arising under the influence of ectopic impulses that lead to the replacement of the normal sinus rhythm.
Clinical feature of Paroxysmal tachycardia ?
1) The onset of paroxysm - the patient feels like a jolt )صدمه )in the region of the heart, turning into an increased heartbeat.
2) Heart rate during paroxysm - 140-220 and more per minute with the correct rhythm kept.
3) An attack of paroxysmal tachycardia may be accompanied by dizziness, noise in the head, a feeling of constriction of the heart.
4) Less often, there is a transient focal neurological symptomatology - aphasia, hemiparesis.
5) The course of paroxysm of supraventricular tachycardia can occur with symptoms of autonomic dysfunction: sweating, nausea, flatulence, mild subfebrile condition.
6) At the end of the attack, polyuria is noted for several hours with the release of a large amount of light, low-density urine
7) A prolonged course of tachycardia paroxysm can cause a drop in blood pressure, the development of weakness and fainting.
ECG of the Paroxysmal tachycardia ?
-The P wave is normal, always precedes the QRS complex, but often merges with it,
-the rhythm is correct
- QRS complex of normal form and duration;
- the number of P waves and QRS complexes is the same -The T wave is normal, sometimes fused with the P wave
ECG for Ventricular tachycardia
The P wave appears independently of the QRS, often negative; -the rhythm is wrong
- QRS complex more than 0.12 s, deformed,
- the number of QRS complexes is more than P waves
-The T wave and QRS complex are discordant; - ST segment omitted
Emergency care of Paroxysmal tachycardia ?
1) Stop dental treatment;
2) Give the patient a semi-sitting position in the chair
3) Determine the heart rate and blood pressure
4) Provide fresh air
5) Valokardin - 40 drops inside in combination with B-blockers (Anaprilin - 20-40 mg under the tongue)
6 ) If there is no effect, call an ambulance
7 ) With an ongoing attack - Lidocaine 2% - 4 ml / m under the control of blood pressure
What is the Arterial hypertension?
AH - a persistent increase in systolic and / or diastolic, pressure accompanied by damage to target organs - the brain, heart, kidneys.
Arterial hypertension Etiology?
-Nervous mental trauma
- emotional stress - Skull trauma
- Intoxication
Arterial hypertension Pathogenesis?
Disorder of fat metabolism
Pathogenesis - a violation of the processes of excitation and inhibition in the cerebral cortex; increased production of pressor substances (adrenaline, norepinephrine, aldosterone, renin, angiotensin) and a decrease in depressant substances (prostaglandins, components of the kallikrein-kinin system); tonic contraction of arterioles and arteries of small, medium and larger caliber, leading to left ventricular hypertrophy and organ ischemia.
Blood pressure classification?
1) Optimal BP: SBP (systolic blood pressure) <120 / DBP (diastolic blood pressure) <80 mm Hg. Art.
2) Normal blood pressure: SBP 120-129 / DBP 80-84 mm Hg. Art. (prehypertension according to JNC-VII).
3) Highly normal blood pressure: SBP 130-139 / DBP 85-89 mm Hg. Art. (prehypertension according to JNC-VII).
Arterial hypertension Complaints?
- headache ,
-dizziness , - visual impairment,
- pain in the region of the heart,
- heartbeat.
Localization of headache - the back of the head, in the morning, in the parietal and temporal
regions, dizziness is caused by regional spasms of cerebral vessels, pain is caused by myocardial ischemia, pain in the apex of the heart is long-term but general, slowly decreasing with a decrease in blood pressure, tachycardia, rhythm disturbances, tense pulse, apical the push shifts to the left, becomes wider, the border of relative cardiac dullness shifts to the left, 1 tone is weakened due to the valve component.
Arterial hypertension Examination and palpation ?
Examination and palpation: often hypersthenic constitution, increased nutrition, facial hyperemia. The apical impulse is diffuse, resistant, displaced to the left, sometimes downward. The pulse is firm, full.
Treatment of Arterial hypertension ?
1) Clonidine (Clonidine - 0.075 - 0.15 mg) - sublingual
2) Captopril (Capoten - 12.5-25 mg) - oral
3) Nifedipine (Corinfar) - 10-20 mg - sublingual
4) Furosemide - 40-80 mg
5) Carvedilol - 12.5-25 mg
The basic principles of drug treatment are formulated in three theses.
• It is necessary to start treatment of mild arterial hypertension with low doses of drugs. • Combinations of drugs should be used to increase their effectiveness and reduce side
• Long-acting drugs should be used (12-24 hours with a single dose). Currently, six main
امراض القلب الوراثيه
congenital heart disease
What is the Coarctation of the aorta?
congenital heart disease, manifested by segmental narrowing of the lumen of the aorta
Arterial hypertension of hemodynamic origin Pathogenesis?
the presence of a mechanical obstacle in the form of narrowing of the aorta, to overcome which the heart needs to create an increased blood pressure proximal to the place of stenosis (upper half of the body);
-activation of the RAS (renin-angiotensin system) in response to a change in the nature of pulse pressure in the renal arteries - ischemia of the kidneys due to reduced blood flow and pressure in the descending part of the aorta.
- changes in the structure and function of aortic baroreceptors with an increase in the tone of the sympathetic nervous system;
-increased aortic stiffness, hypertrophy and hyperplasia of smooth muscle cells of the media of the arteries proximal to the site of narrowing, a perverted pressor reaction of vessels to histamine and their hyperreactivity to norepinephrine.
The clinical picture of Arterial hypertension of hemodynamic origin?
There are three groups of complaints:
1) complaints associated with hypertension in the proximal aorta (headaches, heaviness
and sensation of pulsation in the head, rapid mental fatigue, memory and vision impairment, nosebleeds);
2) complaints that are the result of an increasing overload of the left ventricle (pain in the region of the heart, palpitations, shortness of breath);
3) complaints due to insufficient blood supply to the lower half of the body, which is especially clearly manifested during physical exertion (fatigue, feeling of weakness and coldness of the lower extremities, pain in the calf muscles when walking - Hypertrophy of the muscles of the upper extremities and hypotrophy of the lower body).
The main diagnostic criteria of the Arterial hypertension of hemodynamic origin ?
The main diagnostic criteria are a significant increase in blood pressure in the arms compared to blood pressure in the legs. Weakening of the pulsation of the arteries of the legs, systolic murmur of 2-3 m / r to the left of the sternum and in the interscapular space, usulation (formation of holes) of the ribs, narrowing of the aorta according to aortography. symptoms of the development of collateral circulation in the form of increased pulsation of the intercostal arteries and arteries in the scapular region.
What is the Insufficiency of the aortic valv (aortic insufficiency)
is a heart defect in which each time the left ventricle relaxes there is a reverse flow of blood (regurgitation) through the defective aortic valve.
The Pathogenesis of Insufficiency of the aortic valve (aortic insufficiency) ?
As a result of atherosclerosis, the aortic cusps thicken, shorten, deform and during diastole cannot completely close. This leads to the flow of blood into diastole from the aorta into the left ventricle.
- An excess amount of blood in the left ventricle leads to its dilatation, an increase in the end diastolic volume (volume overload). A constant load on the left ventricle leads to a violation of its systolic function. At the same time, left ventricular hypertrophy develops.
-Overload of the left ventricle with excessive blood volume leads to a subsequent decrease in its contractile function and a retrograde increase in pressure in the pulmonary circulation (the occurrence of pulmonary hypertension)
The clinical picture of Insufficiency of the aortic valve (aortic insufficiency)?
Mild aortic valve insufficiency does not manifest itself with any symptoms, except for the characteristic heart murmur, which is heard through a stethoscope, which occurs every time the left ventricle relaxes. In severe failure, the left ventricle must pump more and more blood, leading to enlargement of the ventricle and ultimately to heart failure.
-It is manifested by dyspnea on exertion or when lying down, especially at night.
-In such patients there are palpitations (sensations of strong heart contractions), due to the powerful contractions of the enlarged ventricle. Chest pains may occur, especially at night. -The main diagnostic criteria are old age, increased systolic pressure with normal diastolic
pressure, high pulse pressure, signs of systemic arteriosclerosis
Hypertensive crises. Classification. Clinical options. Principles of emergency care for hypertensive crises
- Sudden death. Causes. Diagnostics. Resuscitation principles.
بطئ القلب
18. Myocarditis. Etiology, pathogenesis, hemodynamic disorders. The main clinical manifestations. Laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods. Treatment principles.
التهاب عضله القلب