Exam Flashcards
What is the angina pectoris?
is a form of coronary artery disease, characterized by paroxysmal pain in the heart area caused by myocardial ischemia (without the development of necrosis).
Risk factors for angina pectoris?
- increase in blood pressure;
- violations of cholesterol metabolism;
- diabetes mellitus, poor control of blood glucose levels;
- smoking;
- male gender;
- sedentary lifestyle;
- the presence of IHD among blood relatives;
- the regular use of certain drugs (nicotine, caffeine, as well as cocaine, amphetamine,
inhaled beta-stimulants, or agonists, methylxanthines (theophylline)), emotional and physical stress.
تصلب الشرايين
Pathogenesis of the angina pectoris?
1.atherosclerotic (تصلب الشرايين ) coronary artery disease (stable angina)
2.transient vascular thrombus (جلطه ) formation (unstable angina)
3. decrease in coronary blood flow due to spasm or increased tone of the coronary artery
(dynamic obstruction).
The clinical picture of the angina pectoris?
*Angina pectoris of exertion and rest.
Pain in angina pectoris is provoked تستفز by physical exertion, most often localized behind the
sternum, sometimes slightly to the left, it has a pressing or compressive character of varying intensity
* most often the pains begin gradually, then intensify.
* At the time of an attack,
1) patients try to maintain a stationary position(في وضع ثابت )
2) they are afraid to take a deep breath
3) pallor of the skin due to vasospasm,
4) increased sweating
5) Sometimes there are burning pains, they resemble heartburn
6) symptoms of tightness in the chest
7) feeling of suffocation
8) Typical is the irradiation of pain to the hands, more often to the left along its inner surface to the little finger.
9) Often the pain radiates to the left shoulder blade, neck, and lower jaw.
10) Some patients have the urge to urinate and defecate. Sometimes nausea, vomiting, dizziness, trembling all over the body begin
What provokes the angina pectoris?
Pain in angina pectoris is provoked by physical exertion
What is the location of angina pectoris pain ?
most often localized behind the
sternum, sometimes slightly to the left
What is happening during the angina attack
During an attack, the pulse slows down or speeds up, and blood pressure rises. heart sounds are often muffled مكتوم .
concomitant diseases
الامراض المصاحبه لمرض ما
What is the Laboratory tests of angina pectoris ?
1) Clinical blood test: Changes in the results of a clinical blood test make it possible to identify concomitant diseases (anemia, erythremia, leukemia, etc.) that provoke myocardial ischemia.
2) Determination of biochemical markers of myocardial damage
What is the Instrumental methods angina pectoris ?
1) ECG at rest
2) Exercise ECG
3)Echocardiography at rest allows you to detect or exclude other disorders (for example, valvular heart disease or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy) as the cause of symptoms, as well as assess the function of the ventricles, the size of the heart cavities, etc
4) Stress echocardiography.
5) Coronary angiography in patients with cardiac arrest
For relief of an attack of the angina pectoris we need ?
Nitroglycerin is a vasodilatory drug used primarily to provide relief from anginal chest pain.
Treatment of the angina pectoris ?
For relief of an attack, nitroglycerin (interval 5 min)
Basic therapy:
1) antiplatelet agents (aspirin)
2) statins (atorvostatin)
3) drugs to reduce myocardial oxygen demand (B-blockers or calcium channel blockers)
4) ACE inhibitors
Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors are medicines that help relax the veins and arteries to lower blood pressure. ACE inhibitors prevent an enzyme in the body from making angiotensin 2, a substance that narrows blood vessels.
5) metabolic therapy
فرط التعرق
تقريعه (تحدث بعد الاكل )
تمدد الاوعيه الدمويه
التهاب التامر المحاور للقلب
First medical aid.
الاسعافات الاوليه
نقص حجم الدم
عدم انتظام ضربات القلب
انخفاض ضغط الدم
نقص الامداد الدموي