ExamMaster Flashcards
exacerbating factors atopic derm
changes in temp/humidity
definitive dx for S. typhi
blood cx
what test to order to differentiate ZE from other causes of hypergastronemia
stimulatory test w/ secretin
adjunct to levodopa to reduce levodopa-induced dyskinesia in Parkinsons pts
paralysis of nerve = esotropia
contrast image for PE shows
partial enhancement of arteries - look for lack of vasculature
glaucoma med reduces aqueous humor secretion
betablockers (timolol)
diuretics (acetazolamid - carbondic anhydrase inhibitor)
glaucoma rx enhances aqueous humor drainage via canal of Schlemm
cholinomimetics - pilocarpine, physostigmine
tx of choice for open-angle glaucoma
cholinomimetics (pilocarpine, physostigmine); enhance drainage
glaucoma tx that increases outflow through trabecular meshwork at the anterior chamber angle
Alpha agonists - brimonidine
How does tenofivir work
blocks the viral enzyme in reverse transcriptase (NRTI)
Hyperchlorhydra + epigastric pain + red flags = dx? complication
complication of intestinal ulcers b/c continuous acid
venous hum over epigastric/umbilical area
hepatic cirrhosis
superior rectus inferior rectus medial rectus = unopposed ABDuction eye inferior oblique levator palpebrae = ptosis if damaged pupilloconstrictor
mood stabilizer preferred over Li b/c no weight gain
Depakote (divalproex)
“coin lesion” on CXR
pulmonary hamartoma (benign) - no cells on FNA
Is regular, long term exercise recommended for CF?
utureus large for gest length + high hCG + NO fetal parts/heart sounds
neoplams that is most sensitive to chemo
if female pt is on what type of med she should be on OCP
valproic acid and other anticonvulsants
failure to respont to bactrim
high fever + chills + pleuretic CP + cough
CXR = peribroncial thickening and infiltrates
Mycoplasma PNA
rx: azithromycin
B blocker for HTN ok in COPD
selective beta 1 antagonists:
MCC erythema multiform - recurrent swollen painful lips + targetoid rash