Examination of the Head, Ears, Nose, Throat, and Neck Flashcards
Inspection of the Head
Position - Upright and centered
Skull - size, shape, symmetry
Palpation of the Head
Skull - front to back
Scalp - moves freely over skull
Inspection of the Face
eyelids, eyebrows, palpebral fissures, nasolabial folds, mouth
Palpation of the Face
Temporal Arteries - swelling or tenderness
TMJ - open and close, side to side
Inspection of Hair
Texture, Color, Distribution
Palpation of Hair
Part hair, look for lesions scars or nits
Front to back
Behind ears
Inspection of the Ear
Auricle - shape, size, symmetry
External Auditory Canal - discharge
Mastoid - Red or swollen
Palpation of the Ear
Auricles - firm, mobile, recoil, nontender
Mastoid - Non tender
Examination of the Ear
Pull auricle up and back
Insert speculum - discharge, scaling, erythema, cerumen, foreign body
Tympanic Membrane
Tympanic Membrane
Translucent / pearly grey
Visible Landmarks: umbo, handle of malleus, light reflex
Conductive Hearing Loss
defect in mechanism by which sound is transformed and conducted to the cochlea (wax obstruction, thickening of TM from infection)
Sensorineural Hearing Loss
Due to disease / damage to cranial nerve VIII
Weber Test
- unilateral hearing loss
- tuning fork on top of head, both ears should hear equally.
Rinne Test
Does patient hear better by air or bone conduction?
- air conducted sound should be heard twice as long as bone
Inspection of the Nose
same color as face
tip midline
oval symmetrical nares