Examination of the ear Flashcards
In clinical practice, which ear is examined first?
The ear least likely to have pathology
How does examination of the ear begin?
Inspection and palpation of the skin adjacent to the pinna and the pinna itself
Pinna is inspected for size, position and shape
Palpated for tenderness, swellings or nodules
What might indicate an external ear infection on examination of the ear?
- Pain on pulling up or down on the pinna or by pressing on the tragus
How is the external ear assessed?
Inspected for deformities, nodules, inflammation, lesions and discharge (color, consistency, smell and clarity)
How is the posterior auricular region assessed?
Inspected for scars and swelling
What might indicate mastoiditis on examination of the ear?
Pain when pressure is applied on the mastoid tip
How should an otoscopic examination be performed in an adult and in children?
To straighten the ear canal..
Adult: begin by pulling the pinna up, out and back with opposite hand holding the otoscope
Children: pull pinna down and back
Ask patient to turn head to the side
What is indicative of inflammation in the ear canal during an otoscopic examination?
Redness, swelling or tenderness
How should the tympanic membrane appear on otoscopic examination and which structures should be able to be visualized?
Intact, translucent, pearly grey membrane.
- Blood vessels should be visible around the membrane perimeter
- The handle of the malleus should be seen near the centre of the tympanic membrane
Which margin of the tympanic membrane is closer to the examiner’s eye?
The tympanic membrane is oblique to the external canal, so the superior margin is closer to the examiner’s eye
What would a sharp outline of the malleus indicate and why might this occur?
A retracted tympanic membrane; may occur when middle ear pressures are reduced due to, for example, obstruction of the eustachian tube
How does the tympanic membrane appear when there is disease present?
May be dull and becomes red or yellow
Blood vessels may be dilated; implying infection or inflammation
What might indicate fluid or pus in the middle ear?
Bulging of the tympanic membrane
What is tympanosclerosis and what might it visually cause?
Scarring of the tympanic membrane, (typically post injury or surgery) may cause dense, white plaques to form on it
What should NOT be seen behind the tympanic membrane?
Bubbles or fluid
What is the light reflex of the ear and when is it observed?
A visible phenomenon which occurs upon examination of the tympanic membrane with an otoscope.
Shining light on the tympanic membrane causes a cone-shaped reflection of light to appear in the anterior inferior quadrant
What is an ear examination completed with? If poor, what management does it indicate the need for?
Assessment of auditory acuity (clarity of hearing) to identify whether they need a hearing aid
How is the range and sensitivity of a person’s sense of hearing tested?
Audiometry; threshold for hearing a range of pure tones is tested and compared to a normal response