Examination Flashcards
What is the main question to ask in a peripheral nerve exam?
The main question is to ask if the upper motor neurone or lower motor neurone
What can you see on General inspection for UMN and LMN lesions?
UMN- no fasciculation or significant wasting (there may be some disuse atrophy or contractures)
LMN- wasting and fasciculation of muscles
In what type of lesion would pronator drift be present?
Upper motor neurone lesion
What would happen to tone in
UMN- increased spasticity or rigidity
LMN- decreased (hypotonia) or normal
How would power differ in a UMN/LMN lesion?
UMN- classically a pyramidal pattern of weakness (extensors weaker than flexors in the arms, vice versa in the legs)
LMN- different patterns of weakness depending on the cause (distal in peripheral neuropathy, proximal weakness in muscle disease)
What happens with reflexes in UMN/LMN lesion?
UMN- exaggerated or brisk (hyperreflexia)
LMN- reduced or absent (hyporeflexia or areflexia)
What would wasting of muscles indicate?
suggestive of lower motor neuron lesions or disuse atrophy.