Exam2: PRR Flashcards
When determining whether to do a sealant or a composite…A composite requires the presence of _____ or significantly affected _____.
In a radiograph for detection of fissure caries: they will not show up until they are _______.
Searching for Caries: ______ opaque coloration…______ discoloration in fissure…Discoloration under _______
adjacent to fissure….._______ (hole)
Using an explorer detected fissure caries only ____% of the time!!
What is a useful method for detection of proximal caries, detection of cracks, but has limited use for fissure caries?
Transillumination! (you can use your hand piece light!)
In transillumination detection, the caries will show as a _______.
How far does a florescent caries detector look into enamel? What is it making fluoresce?
2mm…bacterial metabolites
A diagoDent florescent reading of more then ____ indicates that an invasive prep should be done.
We are going to apply anesthetic if the decay has gotten to the ______.
Do you select the shade of composite before or during the rubber dam?
PRR Prep guidelines: Sometimes the prep only needs to involve the ___ & ______ pattern where the caries or affected dentin is involved. HOWEVER, deeply fissured grooves may be ______ to allow flowable composite or sealant to fill in.
pit & groove….opened
PRR Prep guidelines: Small stained ______ without _____ may remain unaltered.
PRR Prep guidelines: the ______ may be uneven and in either enamel or dentin because we are removing ONLY the infected tooth structure.
pulpal floor
What are the two burs we use for a Fissurotomy?
132F Diamond & 1/4 round carbide bur
Generally a ______ bur may be used to access DEEPER areas.
132F diamond
What 2 burs do we use for a LARGER preparation then our fissurotomy?
245-pear shaped carbide and #330D-pear shaped diamond
For removal of soft caries we can use small ______ for areas of limited access. On the other hand, larger ______ can be used for gross caries.
Not all stained dentin needs to be removed if it is _____.
PRR Final Design Criteria: Limit size to _____ removal and access to place restorative material.
PRR Final Design Criteria: No “_______ for prevention”
PRR Final Design Criteria: ______ Internal form
PRR Final Design Criteria: ________ margins are sharp and well defined
PRR Final Design Criteria: Cavity walls need to be _____
PRR Final Design Criteria: _______ enamel is OK
PRR Final Design Criteria: No ______ enamel rods
loose…wtf does this mean??
PRR Final Design Criteria: Leave affected ______.
PRR: Preparing tooth for resin bonding: We are bonding to _____ and _____.
enamel and dentin
PRR: Preparing tooth for resin bonding: _____ is higher mineral while _____ is more organic.
PRR: Preparing tooth for resin bonding: Are we really bonding? its actually _______ retention.
Etching the enamel removes the ____ layer.
Bonding: When tooth is ____!!! the hydrophobic bonding resin gets drawn into the tubules via _______ action.
The deeper the resin ____ the more the bond strength.
Speaking of deeper resin tags for better bonding strength, which are going to have deeper tags: rods etched END-ON or rods etched on SIDE WALLS???
END-ON is going to give much deeper resin tags
When etching to DENTIN, we are removing the _____ layer and we are removing the ________ form the surface. We are also exposing the ______ fibrils.
smear layer…hydroxyapatite..collagen
When etching dentin, it can _____ orifices to dentinal tubules or ______ collagen IF LEFT TOO LONG!
Why do we scrub dentin with etch? What is the analogy?
because its like SHAG CARPET! and we want to stand up the carpet
Do we dry dentin completely after etching?
NO! it BLOCKS the tubules!!
When applying the bond after etch/rinse you apply it for ____ seconds while _____ the dentin. Then cure for ____ seconds. MAKE SURE YOU ______ the bottle when done, its very ______!
12 seconds…scrubbing…20 seconds..RECAP…volatile!
What is the name for the interface of bonding resin & demineralized dentin?
the HYBRID layer
What is the organic polymer matrix in the composite resin? What % is our packable composite is FILLER? What is the filler generally made of?
Bis-GMA!…75-85% filler!…quartz or sillica
The _____ filler & the less resin means LESS polymerization shrinkage!!
Drawbacks of flowable: high polymerization _______, and poor _____ resistance.
Improvements to flowable via microhybrid: lower polymerization _______, better ______ resistance.
What is the thin, unset layer of resin on the SURFACE after polymerization?
Air-Inhibited Layer
Do we want the air inhibited layer if we are going to stack more composite on it?
YES! it aids in bonding the next layer!
In polymerization shrinkage, composite resin shrinks __-__%, which can cause leakage at _______, and it can also cause stress ______ of the enamel.
Which tooth surface typically experiences more margin shrinkage: dentin or enamel?
dentin is more common for shrinkage
What technique helps to reduce the effects of shrinkage?
Placing the composite in small increments!
DO NOT BUILD more then ___mm of packable composite! ALSO, _____ shades of composite require longer curing times!
Does a moderate preparation involve dentin? Would you use packable composite here?
In a LARGE preparation, _______ are involved significantly. Do we use flowable? Packable?
grooves…NO flowable, JUST packable
What instrument do I use to work with the recently placed composite?
XTS Mini #1
Trim the excess composite with a _____ bur.
379F and EF football diamond bur
Re-establish the normal anatomy with the ______ bur.
247EF diamond bur (pencil shape)
Check occlusion ______ the final polish. ONLY remove heavy contacts on the _______!
When polishing the PRR- You must go sequentially from ______ to _____ finishing and polishing instruments.
coarser to finer
When polishing the PRR- remove deeper _______ before trying to go on to a finer polisher
When polishing the PRR- Try to achieve a smooth transition from tooth to composite and then from composite to tooth – no ______ with the explorer
click…the DREADFUL click :)
When polishing- 1st use use the _____ point, cup….2nd use the ______ point, cup…and finish with the pointed _____ brush.
green…. yellow…jiffy
When applying GLAZE, post polish, I ______, apply ______, _______ for 20 seconds, and then ______ with gauze and rinse VIGOROUSLY!
ETCH, glaze, cure, WIPE (BPA free dentistry yo!)
When entering into the patient’s chart: I include the _____, the _____ and surfaces treated, the ______ and rationale for Tx, how I kept things contained with _______ and which ______ I used.. Then of course that I gave ______ instructions.