Exam 2: Designs for Class I lesions Flashcards
What is the most cost effective class I restoration?
What are the three most conservative class I restoration materials?
Sealant, PRR, and Composite
KEY concept: Factors that affect our treatment recommendations.. ______ on the tooth from heavy occlusion, grinding, and wear.
KEY concept: Factors that affect our treatment recommendations..Aesthetics-the _______ are teeth that aren’t really aesthetically crucial.
KEY concept: Factors that affect our treatment recommendations.. Pt’s out of pocket ________
KEY concept: Factors that affect our treatment recommendations.. _____ of the lesion, the smaller the more conservative we can be.
KEY concept: Factors that affect our treatment recommendations.. the Pt’s ________, if you treat the lesion, what to keep it from occurring more often?
KEY concept: Factors that affect our treatment recommendations..Amount of sound ______ remaining.
KEY concept: Factors that affect our treatment recommendations..ability to ______ the tooth, like in our class V’s.
Before we can diagnose our pit and groove pattern, we need to _____ the tooth thoroughly!!!
DRY! white spot lesions!!
What are the 3 places a Class I restoration can occur?
- occlusal surfaces of posterior teeth 2.Pits in the occlsusal 2/3 of facial and lingual surfaces of molars 3.Lingual Pits of maxillary incisors of top 2/3 of tooth
What are the two structures that bore most of the load from occlusion?
triangular ridges and marginal ridges
What is the narrowest part of a preparation in the F/L direction? PLEASE don’t get this wrong..
We PRE-ARTICULATE to avoid having the cave-surface margin at the opposing ______ point.
The outline of the proximal prep should be ______ to the maringal ridge!
Do not cut across the the ________ ridge of lower first premolars.
Do not cut across the _______ ridge of upper permanent molars.
For AMALGAM prep guidelines: Need a minimum of ____ mm depth starting from the central groove of your amalgam carving.
1.5 mm
On our amalgam prep: The Facial and Lingual walls at the cavo-surface may be deeper closer to ___mm.
Amalgam prep: The pulpal floor is parallel to a plane between the ______ and ______ cusps…essentially it follows the ____.
facial and lingual cusps….DEJ
Which tooth has the unique pulpal floor angle?
mandibular 1st premolar
Amalgam: The isthmus should be MINIMALLY ___mm in width. And should be _____ on the tooth!
Amalgam: If you are over-converged on your prep you will likely have _______ enamel.
A _______ isthmus allows for greater convergence! This is due to the orientation of the _______.
SMALLER…enamel rods
Amalgam: the M and D walls are _______ or slightly _______. WE NEED ________ enamel on the marginal ridge!
straight or slightly divergent….supported
Amalgam: the thinner the marginal ridge ends up being, the more _______ your prep will need to be.
divergent (because of the diverging enamel rods!
Individual Preps-max premolars–The outline follows the general direction of the _______.
central groove
Individual Preps-max premolars– The Mesial & distal pits are ________.
Individual Preps-max premolars–The mesial and distal marginal ridges are _______ to the dovetails.
Individual Preps-max premolars–The pulpal floor is _____ as the Facial and Lingual cusps are similar in height
The first premolar has a strong mesial _______ and therefore the mesial wall may need to be slightly more _______.
Individual Preparations – Maxillary Molars: Do not cut through the ______ ridge…Form ______ mesial and distal preparations
Individual Preparations – Maxillary Molars: The walls adjacent to the oblique ridge are _____ to
the oblique ridge.
Individual Preparations – Maxillary Molars: ONLY for first molars, a separate preparation along the groove forming the _______ is done if carious.
Cusp of Carabelli
Individual Preparations – Maxillary Molars: The outline follows the general direction of the _______ groove.
Individual Preparations – Maxillary Molars OL: Occlusal outline is parallel to the _______ ridge
Individual Preparations – Maxillary Molars OL: Axial-pulpal line angle is ________. With the lingual/gingival floor a ____ design.
individualr preps Maxillary Incisiors: The walls are cut ________ to the surface of the tooth…Avoid cutting through the _______ or ________.
perpendicular…cingulum or marginal ridges
BE AWARE of DENS INVAGINATUS in this tooth: _______!!
Maxillary Lateral Incisor
Individual Preparations – Mandibular molars-The center of the preparation is slightly ______ to the central groove of the tooth
Individual Preparations – Mandibular molars- Small outline extensions are made into deep secondary grooves especially the _____ groove on the lower first molar
For mandibular molar buccal pits- make the walls _______ to retain amalgam and prep it centered on the buccal ______. The minimum depth is to the ____.
Greater morphological variance occurs in the pit and groove pattern in this tooth: _______. It has 3 types of outlines ___, ____, or _____.
mand second PM…U, Y, or H
In the mand first pm, the pulpal floor is inclined _______ since the lingual cusp is significantly smaller.
Composte Preps! The composite is made of glue: ______ and filler ______.
Composte Preps! Preps can be ______ due to the bonding principles of composites. The composite is held in by _________ bonding to enamel and dentin.
Composte Preps! Not evidence based, but Only in areas of opposing contact is there a minimum depth requirement of ____ mm*
1.5 mm
Composte Preps! Do we bevel the cavo-surface? What must be exposed?
no bevel, enamel rods are exposed
Composte Preps! Class I composite restorations not in direct occlusal ______ may have an external cavo- surface BEVEL of __mm
Composte Preps! Guess What!? Proximal walls do not require ________! A small amount of ________ enamel is acceptable.
divergence!… undermined
Composte Preps! What are the 6 burs we’re gonna use for our preps??
1.#34D 2.#245C 3.#330C 4.#1/2Round 5.#330D 6.#132FD
Composte Preps! The ______ you develop here will carry over to your practice. BOOM.
Class I amalgam prep on #30, make sure your isthmus is the minimum ___mm and the pulpal floor is at least ___mm deep at the central groove.